
> > CS2D > Lua Scripts > Batting day B.E.T.A v2
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Englisch Batting day B.E.T.A v2 >

5 Kommentare258 kb, 461 Downloads

alt Batting day B.E.T.A v2

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Hold left shift to summon bat
Hit player beside you
Get the rainbow bat with randomly
Reach purple bat to kill player

We sorry if there is bug & glitches
We will fix it

Thanks for using our script!

-Cooldown fix √
-Hostbat added √
-Owner server ×
-Player bounce √

Press Y then Type this
/lua rbw(player) <-- thats making the player have rainbow bat permanently

/lua norbw(player) <-- removing rainbow bat but not permanently

/lua rbwa() <-- giving everyone rainbow bat if he exists

/lua norbwa() <-- removing rainbow bat everyone

/lua kick(player,reason) <-- kicking player from server with reason

/lua kill(player,reason) <-- killing player and massage

/lua hostbat[player]=
1 = you will get hostbat permanently and its covering rainbow bat
0 = hostbat will removed

For updates please comment bellow
2× editiert, zuletzt 26.09.20 18:07:44
Zugelassen von Sparty

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258 kb, 461 Downloads


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good job
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