HandKnifeClaw (Second Contribution)aciek12 User Offline 21.04.12 11:45:01 am This is my second contribution.. Hope you like this one.. Use it (its replace Knife) Steal it How to use : Copy images in archive to the "gfx/weapons" edited 1×, last 21.04.12 11:46:45 am Approved by CY (20.07.16 12:41 am) Download 2 kb, 371 Downloads
aciek12 User Offline 22.04.12 09:24:32 am @ 4Vendetta: Thanks for your idea ! .. I've make the Version two of this weapon : http://unrealsoftware.de/files_show.php?file=11006
4Vendetta User Offline 21.04.12 02:15:17 pm I tinks this can be one claw,'ll be better than one knife, here's my tips.
Majatek User Offline 21.04.12 01:41:04 pm This is actually decent, it doesn't necessarily look ugly (if you say otherwise it's only really an opinion) and actually has shading so it's quite nice. I like it!