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22 comments10 kb, 522 Downloads

old Custom Turret Lua

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Well. Long story short. Normal turrets all have same type of ammo and I couldn't find a solution or a workaround to differentiate them. So I dropped my idea and decided to make something else.

A custom turret. Really, I tried to make it look as close to a normal turret as possible. I couldn't make smooth rotation when it's idle though. Sorry about that...

Anyways. I'm sure this can be used with construction mod but really I'm uploading this just for the sake of anyone needing this. The code isn't all that great. It's me after all... Still, it does the job and I couldn't care less about it.

Screenshots might not be so descriptive so I made a quick video (Ye I was THAT bored...)

> Click this "Click This"

Some things I'd like to mention.
In the video, I can destroy my turret. It's not possible. It was possible merely to show the possibility of turret being destroyed. You or your teammates can't do it.
Thanks to
user Pseudon for the sprites,
user Yates for helping with hitzone,
user EngiN33R for telling me about math.atan2 function as well as pointing out dumb mistakes.

Installation >
Download > Put in Counter-Strike 2D Folder > Extract > Play

Enjoy ~~
Approved by Yates

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10 kb, 522 Downloads


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I thought I was the only one with dirty thoughts when I was playing that video. Guess not.


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"Right now I'm inside it".

File: Avobolt approves. √
I like it!
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