Especially for players and mappers who wanted to see new NPCs in CS2D. I hope it will be useful, and someone can make good co-op maps with these NPCs.
Based on Starrkz's NPC Pack.
New NPCs list:
- HL HECU Heavy Soldier with shotgun (closer attack distance, shooting buckshot)
- HL HECU Soldier with mp5 (basic ranged attacks and additional melee attacks, has 20% chance to throw HE)
- HL HECU Sniper (high damage and long range)
- HL HECU Bomber (RPG as primary weapon, very dangerous NPC)
- HL Assassin (he runs the player, trying to join the melee, and shooting while running)
- HL Zombie (slow zombie, 7 random skins)
- HL2 Fast Zombie (faster, stronger)
- HL2 Poison Zombie (throws snarks at the player)
- HL Voltigore (NPC with an electric attack from HL Opposing Force)
- HL Gargantua (dual flamethrower and stomp attack)
- HL2 Stalker
- HL2 Cremator
- HL2 Manhack (drone with blades)
- HL2 Sentry gun (just a turret)
- HL2 Rebel (friendly npc, follows player and attacks enemies, you can say !stop to stop him and !go to make him follow)
- HL2 Antlion (triple acid ranged attack, jump attack, melee attack)
- HL2 Metropolice - 5 NPCs with 5 variants of weapons and 11 skins:
- Melee (stunstick)
- Pistol
- Smg
- Shotgun
- Grenade launcher
- HL2 Elite Combines - 4 NPCs with 4 variants of weapons and 5 skins:
- Sniper
- Ar2 rifle
- Heavy laser rifle
- HL2 Super Combine - strong robot with minigun, stinger missiles and plasma-cannon (more dangerous than the strider)
- Dr. Hax (use it with caution)
- Electric/frozen Vortigaunt (stun ranged attacks)
- Explosive suicidal zombie (explodes in attack, and explodes after death)
- Drone (friendly NPC, follow the player and attack enemy NPCs; test stuff(can't attack default cs2d npcs and follow first player ID)
- Demon
- Ghost
- Imp
- Dark soul (2 npcs, one with melee attack and other with ranged attack)
Old fixed NPCs:
- HL Headcrab (new sprite, fixed all sounds)
1) Download Starkkz's NPC Pack (contains main script and more h-l npcs)
2) Put downloaded pack in CS2D folder
3) Download and put this 2Gen's NPCs extension in CS2d folder with overwrite (overwriting zombie.lua and headcrab.lua)
4) Open sys/lua/NPC_Mod/server.lua and add the following lines in the end of lua:
The Grim Reaper
Doctor Freeman
The Camo
crazy junkman Wolfgang
Changelog: (22/06/16) Version 1.0
- Release
(24/06/16) Update 1.1: Better soldiers
- Added new classical H-L soldier with mp5 (sprite by Pagyra)
- Changed old soldier to heavy soldier with shotgun
- Added the ability to throw grenades (HE for Soldier and Flashbang to Heavy with 20% and 10% chances)
- Added reloading sounds for all soldiers
- Added 9 radio remarks during an attack \ alarm for all soldiers
- Added 5 screams at the death for all soldiers
- Added 3 radio remarks while moving for all soldiers
- Added a sound for the assassin while attack
- Added new bullets sprites for shotgun and mp5
- Added new 7th skin for slow zombie (based on a sprite by The Grim Reaper)
- Changed old sprite of fast zombie (sprite by Pagyra)
(29/06/16) Update 1.2: Metropolice, Elite Combines + bonus NPCs
- Added 5 Metropolice NPCs (Half-Life 2) with 5 variants of weapons and 11 skins (sprites by OlaFPhp, Doctor Freeman, FaqAp, The Camo)
- Added 4 Elite Combines NPCs (Half-Life 2) with 4 variants of weapons and 5 skins (credits as in the previous)
- Added Voltigore NPC (HL:Opposing Force) (sprite by useigor)
- Added Super Combine robot NPC (HL2) (sprite by OlaFPhp)
- Added Dr. Hax NPC (Wallace Breen HL2) (sprite by OlaFPhp)
- Added original sounds from Half-Life 2\OF games for all NPCs
- Updated servertransfer.lst, added all new gfx/sfx (total ~220 files)
- New handy map for testing
- Changed chances for HECU radio messages
- Changed attack distance for fast zombie
(30/06/16) Update 1.3: Gargantua and 5 HL2 NPCs
- Added new mini-boss NPC - Gargantua (he has dual flamethrower and additional stomp attack)
- Added new lua effect - shockwave for gargantua (script by Pseudon)
- Added new NPC - Cremator (sprite by 2Gen)
- Added new NPC - Stalker (based on a sprite by OlaFPhp)
- Added new NPC - Turret(sentry gun) (sprite by OlaFPhp)
- Added new NPC - Manhack (drone with blades) (based on a sprite by OlaFPhp)
- Added new friendly NPC - Rebel (say !stop to stop him and !go to make him follow) (3 sprites by FaqAp)
- Increased health for super combine
- Updated test map
- Updated serveftransfer.lst (total ~300 files)
(5/07/16) Update 1.4(final): 5 Horror NPCs and HL2 Antlion
- Added new horror NPC - Demon
- Added new horror NPC - Ghost
- Added new horror NPC - Dark soul (melee attack)
- Added new horror NPC - Dark soul (ranged attack) (sprite by Darkydude)
- Added new horror NPC - Imp (sprite bu Darkydude)
- Added new HL2 NPC - Antlion (sprite by crazy junkman Wolfgang)
- Added new dark map for testing horror npcs
- Updated test map
- Updated servertransfer.lst (total ~370 files)
- Fixed sound while moving for Dr. Hax
- Сompressed some .wav files into .ogg format
After the update 1.3 zip archive weighs almost 6 megabytes, so I packed it in the second 7z archive, sorry
(On screenshots shows not all NPCs)
( servertransfer file does not contain gfx/sfx from Starkkz's pack (only fixed headcrab) )