This luamap is activated, each map has position strings to activate and deactivate purchases using a timer.
This means that you must use the maps that I shared and map.lua
when they read the code they will realize that for me it was a really masochistic job.
important: 2 players must be in the game for the menu to actívate.
(also works if you add a bot, similar c4 system).
works the same way and time as the original cs2d menú.
I thank @curepikachu, @masea and @yunus for helping me a lot.
It also includes a sound system that you can use, the sounds are ugly but the script works perfectly.
I wanted to do this a long time ago but unfortunately I don't have time to do it in a more decent way.
outdate! repair in process
bye cs2d lovers!
video (After 0:52 is this menu) :
edited 10×, last 28.10.23 06:04:56 pm
Approved by Sparty
743 kb, 637 Downloads