Drop MoneyAlexVender User Offline 06.11.09 05:56:40 am Commands: !dropG - drop gold = 1000$ !dropM - drop money = 500$ !dropC - drop coins = 100$ Lua made by Sasha(RuS) Have fun edited 1×, last 25.07.10 01:46:34 pm Approved by EngiN33R (04.12.15 08:04 pm) Download 325 b, 2,422 Downloads
Itibere10 User Offline 29.07.10 07:44:26 pm This script is very cool, is good in the Town Maps. I like it!
<_>AlexVender User Offline 25.07.10 01:44:16 pm @DragonAwper Hey! Rus-tuz money is an imitation of my script! Look at the date! My - 06.11.09 07:56:40 (2009) Rus-tuz - 19.05.10 20:10:17 (2010) http://www.unrealsoftware.de/files_show.php?file=1290
Slayer User Offline 24.07.10 03:05:51 pm You should have those rp servers and make the infmoney like money & droping at the other but nice! I like it!
ImitationDragonAwper User Offline 20.06.10 03:43:06 pm imitation of rus-tuz money, but it's not bad I like it!