What you gonna do if when you playing, you wanna go to toilet? Then you must download my script
(Or pousemod v1.1) - Its same but mine script is little better
Info Type "!afk" to turn on AFK protection Type "!afk" to turn off AFK protection When AFK protection is turned ON then image "AFK" will appear on you, all of youe weapons will be stripped and you cant be damaged and damage someone, and also build, if you turn off afk protection all stripped weapons will be equiped
Install Go to sys/lua Open server.lua Write this in server.lua:
License You can edit my script You can use it You can upload it (But give credits to me)
Credits means, the creator who made this. (Actually Factis)
You can't make credits ingame. If you gonna upload this file You MUST give credits. (The creator name: Factis)
Good idea!
btw you could do like : when the player say !afk
the player weapons , hp and armor is writen in a table
then the server kill the player..
the if he say !afk again
he spawn with all things that he had