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63 comments92 kb, 2,783 Downloads

old Headshot System

Heartless Soldier
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Headshot System by NaSH
This script adds a headshot system to your server. But this system doesn't work randomly, you have to shoot right in the middle of the enemy to shoot him in the head. I uploaded a screenshot if you don't understand how to make a head-shot.

>What do you get shooting in the head?
•You will cause an additional damage to the enemy: the 25%+ of the weapon damage that you are carrying.
•If your enemy has helmet (this means, more than 65 armor) The additional damage will be the 12%+

>What happens if I kill somebody with a shot in the head?
If somebody is killed with a shot in the head, the hskill(victim,killer) function will be called. This function makes: a custom kill (Killer (Head)Weapon Victim), a msg ("Killer has done a Headshot kill") and plays the classic sound "Heaaaaddshoooot", by default; but you can modify it as you want.
Also, you can modify the % of damage extra with helmet (variable extraarmored) and without helmet (variable extranoarmored)

√It's more difficult to do a headshot the farther you are.
√Remember that bots allways will do a headshot, so be careful.
√This script makes a standard match more realistic, varied and atractive.
√I recommend lowering m4a1 damage to 20, to balance the game.

Good luck and enjoy it!
edited 9×, last 28.03.11 07:23:46 pm
Approved by Starkkz

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"good, but not very good.
it is not good to add headshots into cs2d"
This is true, you can just random spray and you will eventualy hit someone..
I like it!


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cool lua is prefect for teamDM 5
I like it!



good, but not very good.
it is not good to add headshots into cs2d
I like it!
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