This script draws a minimap on a pre-set position (you can set it in the script) that shows everything including players.
It's like the default CS2D minimap, except it shows players, it has more settings, and you can scale it!
The map has three modes:
1. Show to all players on XY on the map;
2. Show to all players on XY on their HUDs;
3. Show to admins on XY on their HUDs.
The map will appear half-transparent.
ATTENTION! If you are the server (running a server through New Game), CS2D can lag when drawing the map - on command and each round start, and when updating player positions - every second - when there are more than 4 players. If you're running it on dedicated, the script may cause little ping spikes, although it wasn't tested.
Chat commands:
!initmap - to initialize the map.
!mapscale <scale> - to scale the map.
By default, there are three scales:
Scale 1 - each tile is 2x2 px
Scale 2 - each tile is 4x4 px
Scale 3 - each tile is 6x6 px
So type "!mapscale 1" without quotes to scale it to 1.
You can add your own scales in the images table. There's a comment telling you how to do that.
Missing file bug fixed.
Report any bugs you find, especially with map's third mode (show on admins' HUD).
PS: there's also a TF2 splash waiting for you in the archive (second screenshot)
edited 3×, last 17.02.11 07:50:25 am
Approved by Seekay
121 kb, 966 Downloads