this is my second upload, with this lua, you can build special buildings(example: super supply, dual turret, triple turret) with fastbuild. this lua not use F3, F4 and F5. to use is simply, just build normally, but if you choice turret or supply, another menu will showed.
How to Install: extract buildscript.lua at sys/lua folder to <cs2ddir>/sys/lua open server.lua and wtite this at end of server.lua
close and save server.lua and the lua has been installed
How to Configure: open buildscript.lua with a text editor afterwards, you can configure these:
Note: sorry if it was different at file because i have edited version
nil means that building is unbuildable, but in my edited version it buildable
Rights: Use it at your server Edit it w/o my permission but don't reupload Reupload on another site. you must upload a unedited version and put me at credits Say MikuAuahDark made it Say this lua is yours Steal Reupload at unrealsoftware