Hide 'n Seek - Prop Hunt
Version 0.9
Made by mc_bowling head
and Jela331
Hide 'n Seek - Prop Hunt has 21 props available to hide,1 map and alot of hiding spots in map.
I got this idea from TF2 Hide 'n Seek(Check video on youtube).
Maps available in this version:
2.has_smally(Created by NoWa)
CTs start with flamethrower & claw
Fthrower dmg 10
Claw dmg 50
Knife dmg 0
CT speedmod 10
Ts start with stealth suit,flash,smoke grenade and flare
T speedmod 0
[FIX] "Nothing" Button
[ADD] You cant buy anymore
[ADD] You cant drop anymore
[ADD] Auto Standard Gamemode
ToDo List:
Random CT
And all owners of those props
You can create maps for this mode,some may come out here(if I like them)
You can choose props by pressing F2,F3 and F4.
Thank you for reading,have fun!
edited 7×, last 05.09.11 10:43:20 pm
Approved by Starkkz
284 kb, 1,980 Downloads