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Englisch Futuristic Story [Everyone can write].

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alt Re: Futuristic Story [Everyone can write].

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Just as he opened the door to leave the bridge the Captain's computer said, "Captain Zimmerman! Incoming text hail. Unknown origin. Answer?" Dax typed "Y". Scrolling text wrote: "Saidia! Saidia! ZIM, tunahitaji you! SASA!!"
"What the hell does that say?" said Dax. He then typed "translate". The new text read: "Help! Help! Zim, we need you! NOW!".
"How could this "Zim" help if there in no origin..." Dax says to himself.
"What the hell was that?". He looked at the damage screen and saw heavy damage alerts in Engineering. He memorized the directions, Dax then took out his gun and proceeded to leave the bridge...
1× editiert, zuletzt 30.08.09 22:33:12

alt Re: Futuristic Story [Everyone can write].

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Another Big boom and all but the computer still saying "Death is inevitable" Went black. Dax went down to the airlock seperating the rooms, after thy wouldent open he decided to overide it using a manual valve. He managed it and made way to the Engineering room and then proceed to asses the damages and fix what he could. He also tried whatever was trying to kill him. he went back up, and grabbed the tools. He went back to overide the airlock, and found his alien 'friends'. He pointed the gun, pressed the trigger, and the gun got jammed. He then looked at his aggresers, but they looked scared. They started speaking in foriegn tounge and the onboard translater translated it to "Don't hurt me! Help! Creature things! Won't die!", Which was weird because there was no other life forms showing on the screen... Wait-how? The power went out, but there was no time for strange questions. The radar was picking up a mysterious signal... A large metal thing "stepped" in and said "Death is Inevatable"...

alt Re: Futuristic Story [Everyone can write].

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"FUCK THAT!" Dax yells! He grips the gun harder then slams it against the metal wall next to him. He then squeezes the trigger. Successes! He then fired 5 more rounds. All then pinging off of the large metal thing. "Shit" said Dax. Suddenly 3 people in fatigue came in the door behind him and start hammering the the metal thing with AP* from their M249's and one with a M60. They grabbed Dax by his shirt and dragged him backwards though the door way. They then stood him up, handed him a M16A1 and one said "Follow us and stay close!". They get to Deck 9, Residential. They all went into the ball room witch had scraps on the door. The man holding the M60 began to talk...

(AP*, Armor Piercing Rounds)
2× editiert, zuletzt 31.08.09 00:52:19

alt Re: Futuristic Story [Everyone can write].

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(Chapter 7) The time travelers

...He asked who are you. Dax answered im Dax, who are you? Instead of answering the man with the m60 asks, whats the date? Dax was puzzled but told them it was july 12, 2400 Earth year. All 3 men looked stunned, as if they couldn't believe him. Dax was just about to ask them why they were so surprised about the date when the Metal Thing came into view, and said in a deep rasping voice, Death is inevitable, and raised his right arm, from which some kind of weapon came out and aimed it straight at Dax...

alt Re: Futuristic Story [Everyone can write].

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The man with the M60 dropped his gun grabbed a M72 LAW, Rolled to his right pushing Dax into the next room in which his friends followed. The man now armed with a LAW yelled, "FUCK OFF!". He then fired the Rocket Launcher and before it impacted the robot type thing he dove into the next room over with Dax and the other two. There was an eruption of sound and light as the 66mm HEAT rocket impacted the metal giant. The man then stole Dax's M16 and ran back into the ball room and unloaded 10 rounds on were the robot stood just to make sure. He then casually walked back into the room with Dax, tossed him his gun then says to Dax, "Your gonna get us killed..."

1× editiert, zuletzt 31.08.09 01:25:53

alt Re: Futuristic Story [Everyone can write].

User Off Offline

I'm really sorry Blood shot but your newest part totally ruins the whole plot, man. Please. can you delete that? Cause if not that I'm sure me and the others would be happy to leave it out.

alt Re: Futuristic Story [Everyone can write].

User Off Offline

wait delete what? Is he deleting the death is inevitable part, i was kinda confused, normaly i meant for the 5 aliens "ghosts" to be the bad guys that apear and disapear, so I'm a bit confused here

alt Re: Futuristic Story [Everyone can write].

User Off Offline

Don't be confused. What happened is that Bloodshot posted another part that was poor so i asked him to delete it and he did. That is all.
Til then ~Spartan-029

(Back to the Story)
After a couple minutes of explaining Dax was still confused. The man with M60 said, "forget it. Your with us now". "Okay", Dax replied. "First of all, I am *CPO Schauß, (lol ) this is CPO Joshua, and the other is Private Kurt", explained Schauß. "Okay.... Well were did you guys get these ancient weapons?" asked Dax. "This ship is old, its weapons are old, these weapons are old... see a pattern going on?", replied Kurt. "Heh, well what do we do now?" asked Dax. "We need to find the life boats, but we can't access the map from any terminal in this area of the ship. We need to get to Sick bay. That way we can get drugs, a better terminal, and some rations." said schauß. "What do we need drugs for?", asked Dax. "You sure do ask a lot of questions kid. Just follow us.", said Schauß. "Right." replied Dax....

(CPO = Chief Petty Officer)
3× editiert, zuletzt 02.09.09 18:12:27

alt Re: Futuristic Story [Everyone can write].

User Off Offline

This thing is really hard to read with all of the not-as-right paragraphing stuff. Quotes everywhere!
Y'all need some kind of... EDITOR!!! That way, you can put the stuff together in a way that appeals to the eye.

alt Flashbacks

playa slaya

Sorry my last one ruined everything

It was a slow average evening on the ship while dax was sipping on a cup of coffee thinking about his wife and kids
thinking about all of the laughs, joy, jokes, love and how it was all taking away and replaced with sorrow and pain.The time he tought his son how to fly his ship and how to snipe an evil space zombie.The first time he held his son in his arms.How he messed up on his first date with his wife[short sorrowfull laugh].then he thinks thats no more.
Then he hears loud screaming and.......

To Be Continued.....

alt Re: Futuristic Story [Everyone can write].

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I'm going to say that that was a flash back?

(flashback ends)
"DAX! HELP ME!" (Dax abruptly wakes up from his slumber) *Gasp*. "Oh thank god. a dream" murmerd Dax. Dax looks around and notices he is in sickbay. Had he forgot the whole trip there from the ball room or was he insane? "Hey sleepy!" said Kurt. "What happened?" asked Dax. "You took a blow to the head, thats what happened." replied Kurt. "I don't feel any pain..." said Dax. "And you asked why we would need drugs." said Kurt. Kurt chuckled. "whatever..." replied Dax, "wake me in about an hour" Dax then drifted back off into a deep sleep. Kurt looked at Dax and then said something to himself. He then continued to take inventory of all the things in sickbay...

alt Space Resident Evil

playa slaya


dax: ....what the hell was that

walks in the captins room its captin spacezombiemeat his neck had been.....eatin!?
dax: what happened?!?here
turns sees 13 spacezombies coming his way.he takes out his gun (a little tiny bbgun) and shoots at the spacezombies,but it had no effect so he runs around screaming while spacezombies are not far behind.he finds himself in a small room with one way out the way he came
the spacezombies where getting closer and could this be the end?.............Glass comes crashing down on the spacezombies and omg could it be SpaceChuckNorris?
yes he's here to save me thought dax to self. SpaceChuckNorris takes the Spacezombies 1 at a time with a fist.after SpaceChuckNorris kills all the Spacezombies he walks over to dax and says are you ok?dax:yes sorda how did you do th...|SpaceChuckNorris
im just that good.......

possibly continued
Spoiler >

alt Re: Futuristic Story [Everyone can write].

User Off Offline

Story is based on: What ever comes to your head [Something futuristic =D].

Names and other stuff is based on: What ever you want =D

Write what ever you want, but ignore playa slaya => He is trying to ruin this thing =(

alt Re: Futuristic Story [Everyone can write].

New Rex
User Off Offline

Ok. Let's continue this story, but now from 0 on another year. Because this is too confusing... people that ruins, people that mix stuff... let's make a Index of characters and Missions. And give a Title to this first story. Sure that it will end. When it ends, we start a new one with new Index and do this over and over. I can make the Index - I'm pretty perfectionist so I like all things tidy, clean, comfortable and organised.
So, give me the information I need about characters, missions, main subject.
Then I make index in a certain page.
Then you update title, like: "Futuristic Story [INDEX 1 - PAGE 40]", INDEX 1 is to first story, INDEX 2 is to second one and over and over...
So, what do you think? I think it's pretty good.

alt death comes to visit

playa slaya

ok i promise this wont ruin it

Spoiler >
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