How give weapons multiplayer game? Pls say Admin/mod comment
PLEASE chose a REAL title next time instead of worthless bullshit phrases like "pleas HELP". I fixed that for you /DC Use "equip" command in console, but firstly you gotta know who to equip select id by using "listplayers" in console it'll display the available players on the server. When done that then write a weapon id from 1-88 and you'll equip a player.
In example:
equip id weaponid
equip 2 35
That will equip player id two with AWP. if you have a dedicated server then you have to execute commands by typing rcon <command>
rcon equip 1 45 Give/equiping is a command you need to be admin or server to be able to use this command.
Console : equip <Player id> <Weapon id>
Chat : /equip <Player id> <Weapon id>