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old Chatting related

User Off Offline

Well i though in some way we could use Chat ( personal chat , or even group chat if possible ) when we were playing. Now you think : '' but we have billions of ways to talk with our friends ( Skype , msn , xFire ) , BUT , i'm actually talking about a chat JUST for our USGN friends. So we could know what they're playing(CC,Cs2d or Stranded), what server they are(in case of cs2d or CC) and the common friend trash talk.That would help ppl who can't get Xfire or don't want to have some lag with Msn and these kind of stuff. But since ik DC is busy with other plans and stuff, i hope this idea will work for future versions of USGN games .
edited 1×, last 07.12.10 04:09:59 am

old Re: Chatting related

User Off Offline

I think that would be really awesome, but you gotta remember how many servers there are in the USGN list, and if you added more stress to an already full-up system, you would make it lag horribly. The chat you have in CC and CS2D is not hosted by the USGN, but by the actual server you are playing in, so adding a chat channel in there would not be such a bright idea. Maybe if there was a unrealsoftware IRC server, it would be possible

old Re: Chatting related

User Off Offline

It still is, but what I ment was an actual server which could have channels made my people that have USGN Id's and want to chat with their friends. Only problem is that setting up an IRC server is harder than looking for a pork sausage in a Jew's house!

old Re: Chatting related

Admin On Online

again a pretty old idea. I'm currently not sure if something like this will be realized in future.

I'm aware of the fact that several users would like to see such a feature.
edited 1×, last 07.12.10 04:13:26 pm

old Re: Chatting related

User Off Offline

but you could at least show in the friends list which game the friends are playing and if they are playing the same game the name of the server instead of the game(when you would release more games its usefull)

old Re: Chatting related

User Off Offline

i think its a great idea, i hate it to turn back to the desktop when am playing fullscreen

old Re: Chatting related

User Off Offline

ACTUALLY i meant a mini-chat window in-game. I'm sure IRC gets the job done, even though it's hard to set it up, It's not impossible. Just a few days and tons of tutorials
actually i don't know if there is any type of guide for that.

old Re: Chatting related

User Off Offline

No guides, unless you are setting it up on your own computer. Setting it up remotely is near on impossible ( hence why i said it was harder than finding a pork sausage in a Jew's house ). I have seen a chat client that used an IR server which had many channels. IF someone invites you it addes a command before your text and if the "password" isn't correct the message isnt detected by the others who are using it. It's a very complicated proccess unfortunatly.

old Re: Chatting related

Admin On Online

loooser has written
but you could at least show in the friends list which game the friends are playing and if they are playing the same game the name of the server instead of the game(when you would release more games its usefull)

you already see if ppl in your list are playing the same game or another game (but without displaying the name of the other game / the name of the server).
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