Middle endian forms, starting with the month
This sequence is used primarily in the United States, partially in Canada, and a few other countries. This date format was commonly used alongside the small endian form in the United Kingdom until the early 20th Century, and
can be found in both defunct and modern print media such as the London Gazette and The Times, respectively. In the UK, it would be verbally expressed as Sunday, November the 9th, whereas in the United States, it is usually Sunday, November 9th, although usage of "the" isn't uncommon.
Sunday, November 9, 2003
November 9, 2003
Nov. 9, 2003 or Nov/9/2003
11-9-2003, 11.9.2003, 11.09.03, or 11/09/03
Source http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calendar_date