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Englisch Deleted Posts

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alt geschlossen Re: Deleted Posts

User Off Offline

@user sheeL: I disagree with you about more weapon(s)

Engin33r hat geschrieben
More weapons

• Adding some lua hooks is great idea

alt geschlossen Plz dont ban!there r not really weapons

Grim Reaper
User Off Offline

ok, to begin i would like to suggest a trip wire... like the laser mine, but doesn't explode when u walk through it, there will be a laser and if you walk through it a little "beep" will come up as radio chat. but heres the catch, team mates can set it off also, so its not a total camping tool. and if u throw a bomb or shoot it it blows up and so on and so forth (the laser would be almost invisible but u would see the little triangle thing)you would also be able to build it for 3000 a piece(you can have up to 3,but it could get confusing ) . secondly, a camera... yes a camera that you can set up on a tripod. it would cost 10000 (a bit costly but what ever). once u set it up, a little black and white screen would come up and u can see in the direction the camera is pointed. but all u have to do is knife it of shoot it and it breaks. you would only be able to build 1 at a time, but if u right click w/ the wrench u will have the option to move it(u would be 50% slower while moving it). and also u can move the camera b&w pic anywhere on your screen so you can move it so it doesn't get in your way.thats all i have for now, i worked a long time typing this, i hope DC will consider putting something like this in the game it would make my day! bye!

Admin/Mod Kommentar

Tripwire can be done with Lua, also it's forbidden to suggest new weapons. /Factis

alt geschlossen Re: Deleted Posts

User Off Offline

@user Grim Reaper: Can you make your post constructive It's boring to read them all but no worries, I read some of them. And I'm sorry to tell you but some of them can be done with lua.

My Idea :
• More lua hooks
• Improve lightings and shadows engine
• Improve the map editor

Correct me if my ideas are not worth in CS2D, because this is all I got from my mind

alt geschlossen Re: Deleted Posts

User Off Offline

@user Grim Reaper:
Engin33R hat geschrieben
More weapons

We already have 91Weapons,
How do you expect more ?

About the Camera ?
Its bad idea, Its hard-coded

alt geschlossen Re: Deleted Posts

User Off Offline

You stole it from my mouth

I was going to write that, But i was busy

alt geschlossen Re: Deleted Posts

User Off Offline

I don't know have these bugs been reported before or only happen to me , but the bugs i found are about light engine.

if you throw flare , he , flash , molotov over the obstacles you won't see any explosion light effect after those things were thrown over the obstacles.

like this flare


you can test the light yourself i only show you the flare bug.

Admin/Mod Kommentar

Bugs are for the bugs thread. /Engi

alt geschlossen Re: Deleted Posts

User Off Offline

@user SD: Add a "Refresh" button isn't good idea,
restart cs2d or remove one word and type it again isn't much work, i will remove one word and type it again in 5sec

alt geschlossen Re: Deleted Posts

User Off Offline

lightengine problem
1. If you trigger off the light (env_light), after restarting a new round, it doesn't appear again. You need to trigger it again.

2.Triggering Evn_Lightstripe do nothing.

Admin/Mod Kommentar

Bugs are for the bugs thread. /Engi

alt geschlossen Re: Deleted Posts

User Off Offline

You should agree that generally it's not the way it's supposed to work. Not everyone knows what to do in this situation, so sort of "reconnect" button would be very nice. Also it takes only one second instead of 5, and you don't need to restart CS2D/go to options - way more handy, isn't it?

alt geschlossen Re: Deleted Posts

Moderator Off Offline

I also agree with DC, the img functionality was given for an use to explain situations of problems/errors/proofs or previews. But the rule should stay as it is, nobody wants a forum spammed with memes and other kind of stupid images.

alt geschlossen Re: Deleted Posts

Admin Off Offline

user uaiek hat geschrieben
Map filter in the map browser of the editor like in New game's.

This is already implemented for a long time. It's even more advanced because you don't have to enter the full name but can also enter just "de_" for example. Click filters and enter the full map name in "contains in Map". You can also put [ ] around the filter term to exclude maps which end with other stuff.
"de_dust" would also match with "de_dust_whatever".
"[de_dust]" only with maps called "de_dust" and nothing else.

alt geschlossen Re: Deleted Posts

BANNED Off Offline

[Remove this, I have another vid]
1× editiert, zuletzt 29.10.12 11:28:58
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