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Englisch Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

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alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

Happy Camper
User Off Offline

Export Lua library symbols from the CS2D Linux binaries to make it possible to use external binary Lua libraries, such as LuaSQL.

Linking the CS2D binaries dynamically instead of statically with the Lua library might also work, but I am not sure. This will add Lua library to the requirements for Linux, of course.

There are some threads (e.g.: thread cs2d LuaSQL on Debian) in the Lua forum suggesting that it should be possible to work around this by including the Lua library in the external library. This is not correct from my experience. Eventually, you will get some memory related crash. This page supports my theory.


Some more information on the different options:

a) linking the main program and the extension modules to the shared
liblua. Shared libraries are loaded only once per process. This is the
default on Windows.
b) linking the Lua API functions statically to the main program and
letting the main program re-export those functions to the extension
modules. This is the default on Linux/*BSD and uses the `-Wl,-E` linker
c) loading in the main program using the `RTLD_GLOBAL` flag,
which re-exports the Lua API functions to extension modules. This is
what vim does on Unixes with `--enable-luainterp=dynamic`.
1× editiert, zuletzt 04.01.15 15:35:11

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

Moderator Off Offline

@user Happy Camper: If user DC ever decided to link a Lua library statically, I'd definetly help him to. I've made my Lua module for BlitzMax blow up a lot of times, but I always end up in a solution for things like this. It's just up to him if he decides that the game needs it.

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

User On Online

suggested this so often already.... always got ignored

add the damn console command "record"

just like in css or csgo...

and please add


smd hat geschrieben
@user Random guy:

You know these commands are from Counter Strike Source?

Why would it be that bad if you could record in CS2D via console command?! I always hear people complaining about FPS drops when they record with Fraps or any other software. If this would get added they could just type ''record'' into the console and they get a demo... with ''host_framerate'' they could change the FPS up to 300 (idk if thats even possible, it was just an idea) so they could make a smooth slowmo in their videos....

All you have to do is just to put the TGA files into VirtualDub, render it and you're done... no more FPS drops while you're recording.

Infinite Rain hat geschrieben
DC has already confirmed that he will indeed work on it. He said it like 6 months ago? I don't really remember when but I'm pretty sure that the built-in recording is possibility.

^ Inf. Rain wrote this at the 05.06.14

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

User Off Offline

Env_SoundinZone (Subject to Name Change)

Like the env_room or env_lightstripe the Env_SoundinZone would allow you to select tiles with which to play a sound, once you leave the area other sounds take over or if no sounds are present the sound slowly fades out. If you walk out of that env_SoundinZone and into another the older one fades out while the new ones fades in.

This would work like the original env_sound but would be more clear on when and where certain sounds play. The env_SoundinZone would have all the abilities as the env_sound including volume and triggerability but with the added function of selecting the tiles the env_SoundinZone will play. An option for fade out/in time would also be cool aswell.

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

User Off Offline

@smd I have asked that and some people too, DC is already working on that so be pacient .

Btw I want you make a new rate fire for pistols like in csgo (and for guns who aren't automatic too).
In csgo (and cs 1.6) the rate of fire in pistols are like this:

XXXXXXXXXXXXR For usp (csgo)

And in cs2d is kinda strange:

X--X--X--X--X--X--X--X--X--X--X--XR For usp (cs2d)

Basically is just a click per shot, not hold the mouse1 to waste the ammo.
I hope you get the idea, is gonna be usefull for eco rounds in competitive mode I guess because pistols can't make much damage if rate of fire is limited.

Legend: X > Shot
- > pause of shot
R > Reload

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

User On Online

@slim i already asked DC about the pistols :p

smd hat geschrieben
Moin. Wollte nur mal fragen warum bei den Handguns in 2D ein delay zwischen den Schüssen ist. Wäre es nicht sinnvoller die so zu machen wie in 1.6/Source/GO?

Hi. I wanted to ask you why theres such a weird delay between the shots of handguns. Wouldnt it be way better to remove this?

DC hat geschrieben
CS2D hat insgesamt ein anderes und einfacheres Schusssystem, daher sind auch die Pistolen anders. Es gibt keine höhere Ungenauigkeit bei Dauerfeuer als bei Einzelschüssen. Dadurch ist es für Anfänger und Casualspieler einfacher zu Kills zu kommen und das Spiel ist weniger frustrierend.

CS2D got a more simple firingsystem in general thats why the handguns are different to the original Counter-Strike. Theres not a big difference of the accuracy if you're spraying or just doing single shots. Thereby its easier and less frustrating for new players and casuals to get kills.

So... i think he wont change it even though it would be way better in my opinion.

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

User Off Offline

I think you should change the player's USGN who doesn't have USGN ID from 0 to another number or letter.
Because, if there is a player come to any server and he doesn't have USGN his usgn will be automatically 0, and if there is another one come too, his USGN will be 1 and like this.

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

Moderator Off Offline

@user THEMUD: This idea is completely pointless, because USGN ID always use numbers (no letters)....

And if a player that don't have USGN logged up with CS2D his usgn will be null or simple "No U.S.G.N login".


THEMUD hat geschrieben
and if there is another one come too, his USGN will be 1 and like this.

This will screw the U.S.G.N service and will make it unstable because there is already with 1 U.S.G.N ID (and is DC of course).

Sorry, but DC will reject it 100%.

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

User Off Offline

Would it be possible to add a momentum system to character movements? Valve's games always had momentum, I thought if CS2D had momentum it would be even more tactical than it is right now.

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

Moderator Off Offline

@user BlackBelt: There's already an anti-speed for CS2D that is seted default to 0, however this won't help at all because the actual anti-speed cheat can punish also the innocent players if a player got so much high ping and then lag, the player can be banned/kicked or warned (depends on the settings of this anti-speed).

I don't mean the anti-speed cheat is useless, however this tool can punish other players that didn't speed cheated and i think @user DC is a bit busy to develop high tools to control and punish the cheaters.
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