Q: Why did you made new thread?
A: Cuz It`s a literally new game, old thread was full of flame and other useless stuff so I decided to create new one
Q: For what you guys made also PC version if we already got one?
A: Because we can. It not possible to connect out game to original CS2d cause of LOT of reasons so we made PC version for our game
Q: You not supposed to be here, you`re not allowed to use DC`s assets blahblahblah
A: Bullshit. Everything in the game has been made from scratch, even sounds. Also DC himself allowed me to post this thread cuz it connected to his own game and this web-site
A: Cuz It`s a literally new game, old thread was full of flame and other useless stuff so I decided to create new one
Q: For what you guys made also PC version if we already got one?
A: Because we can. It not possible to connect out game to original CS2d cause of LOT of reasons so we made PC version for our game
Q: You not supposed to be here, you`re not allowed to use DC`s assets blahblahblah
A: Bullshit. Everything in the game has been made from scratch, even sounds. Also DC himself allowed me to post this thread cuz it connected to his own game and this web-site
edited 11×, last 21.08.21 04:24:40 pm