inentityzone: I see, understandable.
Unforunatly I wanted to be able to use those zones as rooms instead of having to do the rooms through Lua (which I consider slower to loop through rooms on the movetile hook, rather than just checking if the player is in the right room (with entity name) through one command.
But that's not a dealbreaker.
In that case, I suggest adding these two commands:
hasinrange(x,y,range,type) -- Checks if a player is in range of a position.
inrange(x,y,range,type) -- Lists the players in range.
This will make sure the players are close AND do not have a raycast wall between them and the position.
typeparameter can be used to specify if the players should be considered in range either raycasting everything (walls and obstacles) or only walls (obstacles won't count).
Another nice addition would be isinside(sx,sy,x1,y1,x2,y2) so we can easily check if something is inside a room.
All of these are easily done with Lua, but that means they're also slower.
Currently, in order to achieve the same result, it's non practical in Lua, at least for heavy servers such as mine.
Will close a player's menu, and call the menu hook with button 0 (cancel).
An option to enable pistol auto-fire when mp_recoil is enabled? Something like mp_pistols_auto_fire.
Can we have some kind of pre_connect hook? Or perhaps move the connect hook a bit earlier in the connection process?
There's many reasons to have that, one of which is that the leave hook can still be called even if the player never actually joined, and that shouldn't really happen IMO.
Also, there's more benefits to the connect hook actually get called when the player attempts to connect, rather than a few steps before the join hook.
There's a few more reasons, but if any of the developers are interested, I can explain the rest through PM/DM.
projectile_throw hook.
player ID (0 if thrown by server ( parse))
projectile ID
weapon type ID
And possibly player rotation and position, to make the hook more efficient.
0 - default - continue as normal
1 - cancel - don't throw (will still consume the item (to not delay player throwing projectiles))
There's no way to receive a projectile ID using the attack hook, this would act as a workaround.
stats(0, 'count') - Count of U.S.G.N. entries.
steamstats(0, 'count') - Count of STEAM entries.
If that's too complicated, perhaps statscount().
And, perhaps, stats(0, 'table') and steamstats(0, 'table') which will return all the accounts' IDs, as such:
{ [1] = 99153, [2] = '76561198087950619' }
And then, using the respective functions, it would be possible to get the rest of the data, depending on what is needed.
edited 11×, last 20.07.21 05:31:27 pm