"Noooo please don't turn me into an oversimplified website!" Seriously, this feels so... dead and corporate. It's like a childhood arcade closed its doors, it's so depressing. There's very little in life that can make me actually really cry, but I'm on the verge of tears seeing all the nostalgia go away. This isn't UnrealSoftware anymore, this is like unrealsoftwarefanpage.wordpress.com. I get that everything needs to change eventually but I still hate everything about this, there's zero charm in the site anymore. I get that I have strong opinions, but I've been on this site for so long that I still have fond memories of the Laboratory page and Mouse Trail. Remember that? This hurts.
If the old design really, really, really can't come back, then at least make the content fill my screen. Currently everything forms a small column in the middle of my screen, which is what a mobile display should look like, not any modern computer: