This has been reported and DC fixed it.
Your code may work for the next version.
if sample==nil then sample={} end sample.sayfuncs={}
if sample==nil then sample={} end sample.sayfuncs={} sample.classes={}
addhook("say","sample.classes.say") function sample.classes.say(id,txt) if(txt=="!lm") then if (player(id,"money")>799) then parse("equip "" 87") parse("setmoney "" "..player(id,"money")-800) else msg2(id,"©255000000You don't have enough of money (need 800 money)") end end end
addhook ("minute") function tutorialadvertise() for player(i = 1, 60, 1) do if (player(i, "exists")) then equip("player "..player(id, "84") end end end
parse("sv_gm 5") addhook("spawn", "ghostmode") function ghostmode(id) if player(id,"team") == 1 then parse("setmaxhealth "" 30") parse("speedmod "" 10") parse("equip "" 84") parse("equip "" 55") parse("mp_wpndmg claw 100") elseif player(id,"team") == 2 then parse("equip "" 87") parse("mp_wpndmg awp 100") parse("mp_wpndmg_z1 awp 150") parse("mp_wpndmg_z2 awp 200") parse("mp_wpndmg LaserMine 0") end end if sample==nil then sample={} end sample.classes={} addhook("die","sample.classes.die") function sample.classes.die() 	return 1 end addhook("say","sayi") function sayi(id,txt) if(txt=="!lm") then if (player(id,"money")>9999) then parse("equip "" 87") parse("setmoney "" "..(player(id,"money")-10000)) else msg2(id,"©255000000You don't have enough of money (need 10000 money)") end end end
addhook ("minute") function tutorialadvertise() for player(i = 1, 60, 1) do if (player(i, "exists")) then equip("player "..player(id, "84") end end end
_GUTBOMB_ = 0 --Insert here the id of the gutbomb function give_gutbomb(id) 	parse("equip "" ".._GUTBOMB_) end addhook("projectile","asd") function asd(id,wp) 	if wp == _GUTBOMB_ then 		timer(60*1000,"give_gutbomb",tostring(id),1) 	end end
addhook("menu","TESTmenu") function TESTmenu(id,menu,sel) 	if (menu=="NAME") then 		if sel==1 then 		elseif sel==2 then 		elseif sel==3 then 		elseif sel==4 then 		elseif sel==5 then 			 		elseif sel==6 then 		elseif sel==7 then 		elseif sel==8 then 		elseif sel==9 then 		end 	end addhook("use","test_shop") function test_shop(id) x = player(id,"tilex") y = player(id,"tiley") 	if (x==XXX) and (y==YYY) then TESTmenus(id);end end function TESTmenus(id) if (player(id,"team")==2) then menu(id,"NAME, name1, name2, name3, name4, name5, name6, name7, name8, name9") end end
function initArray(m) 	local array = {} 	for i = 1, m do 		array[i]=0 	end 	return array end function totable(t,match) 	local cmd = {} 	if not match then match = "[^%s]+" end 	for word in string.gmatch(t, match) do 		table.insert(cmd, word) 	end 	return cmd end addhook("say","car") function car(i,txt) 	local parses = totable(txt) 	local cmd = tostring(parses[1]) 	local id = tonumber(parses[2]) 	local v = tonumber(parses[3]) 		if (cmd=="!ally") then 			if (id ~= nil and v ~= nil) then 				if (player(id,"exists")) then 					pl_ally[i]=id 					pl_ally[id]=i 					mm_ally[i]=v 					mm_ally[id]=v 				end 			end 			return 1 		end 		if (txt=="!car") then 				if car[i]==0 then 					carx[i]=player(i,"tilex") 					cary[i]=player(i,"tiley") 					car[i]=1 				elseif car[i]==1 then 					msg2(i,"©255000000You have already a car!@C") 				end 			return 1 		end 		if (txt=="!eject") then 			if car[i]==1 then 				if playerisincar[i]==1 then 					car[i]=0 					freeimage(i) 					carxpos = carx[i]*32 					carypos = cary[i]*32 					parse("explosion "..carxpos.." "..carypos.." 300 3000 "..i) 					carx[i]=0 					cary[i]=0 					parse("sv_sound \"extasy/impact.ogg\"") 				elseif playerisincar[i]==0 then 					freeimage(i) 					parse("customkill "..i.." Eject "..i) 					parse("explosion "..player(i,"x").." "..player(i,"y").." 300 3000 "..i) 					carx[i]=0 					cary[i]=0 					car[i]=0 					parse("sv_sound \"extasy/impact.ogg\"") 				end 			elseif car[i]==0 then 				msg2(i,"©255000000You haven't car!@C") 			end 			return 1 		end end carx = initArray(maxp) cary = initArray(maxp) car = initArray(maxp) playerisincar = initArray(maxp) addhook("use","car_mod_use") function car_mod_use(id,event,data,tx,ty) 	if playerisincar[id]==1 then 		if (player(id,"tilex")==carx[id] and player(id,"tiley")==cary[id]) then 			playerisincar[id]=0 			freeimage(id) 			imag=image("gfx/extasy/car9.bmp",player(id,"x"),player(id,"y"),200+id) 			imagescale(imag,0.3,0.3) 			parse("speedmod "" 50") 			parse ("sv_sound \"extasy/usecar.ogg\"") 		end 	elseif playerisincar[id]==0 then 		playerisincar[id]=1 		parse("speedmod "" 0") 		carx[id]=player(id,"tilex") 		cary[id]=player(id,"tiley") 		freeimage(id) 		imag=image("gfx/extasy/ajeep.bmp",player(id,"x"),player(id,"y"),000+id) 		imagescale(imag,0.3,0.3) 		imagepos(imag,player(id,"x"),player(id,"y"),player(id,"rot")) 		parse ("sv_sound \"extasy/stop.ogg\"") 	end end