When i try to type in a console "RCon password (password) it tells me "rcon password set! use 'rcon' to execute commands!"
Then when i try a command it says
RCon: Too many remote control attempts with wrong password.
But it is the right password and i only tried it once! Admin/mod comment
This is server related. moved /DC Kill_Meh has written
When i try to type in a console "RCon password (password) it tells me "rcon password set! use 'rcon' to execute commands!"
Then when i try a command it says
RCon: Too many remote control attempts with wrong password.
But it is the right password and i only tried it once!
post your server.cfg Kill_Meh has written
RCon: Too many remote control attempts with wrong password.
I recommend you to disable RCon attempts. xeNium has written
Kill_Meh has written
RCon: Too many remote control attempts with wrong password.
I recommend you to disable RCon attempts.
And how do i do that? Kill_Meh has written
xeNium has written
Kill_Meh has written
RCon: Too many remote control attempts with wrong password.
I recommend you to disable RCon attempts.
And how do i do that?
Go to Server Settings.
Click on the "More..." tab.
Search that list. It should be "rcon attempts" somewhere.
Click on it.
Change it to Off/False. Never mind i got it to work Ti: To have RCon access faster, type rcon_pw instead of rcon_password. I have the same problem:
RCon: Too many remote control attempts with wrong
Me infuriate to write Rcon password. But it is correct.
I'm interested in: How long does it take standardly?
Sorry if i post in old topic. I don`t want to create new, because double topics are incorrect! @
Yates: And how long does this warning work?
I'm not willing to tolerate this forever! Forever. You need to restart the server or use different IP address and then use mp_maxrconfails 0 to delete the cache of failed logins. @
kerker: Word of advice:
sv_rconusers is the best option if you don't want to face repetitive wrong RCon attempts (not even typing your RCon password at all). Once you've added your U.S.G.N. ID in the RCon users list, you gain server administration rights immediately. @
GeoB99: No immediately. You still have to type the RCon password. @
Hajt: Then how I understand it, this thing (
sv_rconusers ) is a "black list"?
GeoB99: Thank you, of course. But I have already contacted the server administrator, all alright.
If I banned, can I use a remote control with right RCon. Of course, I checked, but I forgot result.
DC Admin
kerker: Using rcon without joining ("external rcon") is possible unless the server is using the
sv_rconusers setting to restrict access.
You can easily use RCon from the serverlist by right-clicking a server and choosing "Remote Control".
In case wrong persons got banned (which have a static, never changing IP), it's sufficient to set
mp_maxrconfails to 0 and then to instantly change it back to a safe value like 5. This way the list of failed attempts will be cleared and you can use rcon again. The list is not persisted by the way so just restarting the CS2D server program will have the same effect. @
DC: I don't know whether you misunderstood me or I You.
I mean, if a man, owning RCon ban me, how can I unban myself? How to remove yourself from the list of bans?I know there seems to be a separate file which is linked is responsible for it. For this we need to connect to the server through a remote server ( on windows this is mstsc ).Is it possible to do this without connecting to the server via mstsc?
I mean, is it possible to write the
unban command in "remote control" of game server.
Brevity - the sister of talent? It's not about me. :c DC Admin
Yes, "remote control" = rcon. It's 1:1 like being on the server and executing rcon stuff there. You can execute all commands, including unbanning yourself using that built-in menu in the serverlist. @
DC: Wow. Well, thanks for the reply.