The code that you have to type in while sending a message... Why can't there just be a message per 10 min limit... I play an online game that has a limit of 5 messages every 10 mins. And it works quite well for the spammers to get really frustrated and leave...
Better yet, why do we even need something like that?
BTW: I would love just a new tag: that one that strikes words!
--- Edit ---
I found a small misspell when I was checking the versions information page - it says "thise", it should be
edited 1×, last 10.04.10 11:37:47 pm
Ok, two more. The edit your post when you want to post twice in a row is in German, and on the same screen it will not allow you to go back to your previous thread.
Also, what happened to the German Files?
edited 1×, last 11.04.10 12:28:28 am
EDIT: Also, does this mean that the stuff page is gone forever? Cuz I was gona get the bimap font wiz.
EDIT2: The lab is dead too?
edited 2×, last 11.04.10 01:07:16 am
But i have one problem: spoilers doesn't work for me. When i click at them, nothing happens...
Spoilers work fine for me
The Second has written
Did you enable Javascript in your browser? Wow! When i come here today i wont believe my eyes... This site is so cool now
But i have one problem: spoilers doesn't work for me. When i click at them, nothing happens...
But i have one problem: spoilers doesn't work for me. When i click at them, nothing happens...
But now I can't download flash player because this browser is so weird
please note that there are some strange database errors sometimes (it logs you out and gives you strange errors). I'll try to fix that asap...
DC has written
thousands of people are using firefox and flash without problems. lol.
please note that there are some strange database errors sometimes (it logs you out and gives you strange errors). I'll try to fix that asap...
please note that there are some strange database errors sometimes (it logs you out and gives you strange errors). I'll try to fix that asap...
I have encountered some. I tried accessing my PM's but it logged me out and when I tried to log in it said that user with name "normal" doesn't exist.
Same happened to File archive. It had a bunch of MySQL errors.
it is a simple "too many mysql connections" error as I just noticed. it can occur on the WHOLE website and means, that there are too many people connected to the database.
some tweaking of my server settings should fix it hopefully. still strange because I don't open more connections than before. maybe just more visitors? no idea.