Pqp .. Baixei o jogo ontem dps de muito tempo sfd que nostalgia do krl , hoje em dia tem nem players mais é rapaziada coisas boas tbm acaba .. ja joguei mto isso fui viciado la pra 2011 , porra era mto bom so ficava jogando isso o dia inteiro .. mano não consigo é mta nostalgia ..
ADEUS 2D , Minha infância foi foda
It's something in between Minecraft and less of Stranded with mostly fun/futuristic-creative stuff. I have playtested it at gamescom and while it didn't look like survival I still think it has the potential to become a Stranded killer despite the weird graphics. Retail price: 15$/EUR.
And no, the guy I had asked didn't say he knew about Stranded nor UnrealSoftware ( FunkyFart)
--- Update:
excuse me an overly long post. also I didn't proof-read it. sorry
It did release. It's quite like Stranded, but it's not. The reception will be mixed. Partly because it's got cosmetic microtransactions already.
The beginning:
Very much like Stranded 2, first map. You spawn on the beach of an island and can begin by collecting loose stuff on the ground and PUNCH TREES! But at the time being it's all you have. The compulsory F1 quick-guide is just a bunch of screenshots with short descriptions.
Honestly, I've progressed further in Stranded 2 than in Ylands without help. Hadn't I known Stranded 2 - I don't think I would have knew what to do at all.
The similarity is terrifying. I don't even know if the game is so similar to Stranded because they ripped it off or just because there are more games of that genre and they're all shadows of each other.
The first night
I started exploring the world by... climbing on the highest mountain. Nothing special on the way there, the view wasn't breathtaking at all (even Minecraft has better landscapes thanks to squared blocks and it's awesome generator). There was some distant square aggregate hovering in the air - no idea what that sci-fi UFO was doing there, I haven't yet reached it.
On the way down I fell a fair bit; it looked like 2 meters but it hurt waaay more! I found a cave. The cave led deep into the heart of the mountain and was covered in fantastic glowing shrooms: both figuratively and literally. They emitted a dim light and I felt secure enough to go deeper. The cave had a few branches and ended... in nothing, a dead end. On the way back I noticed that I jumped down into a deeper branch and I had no tools, no pickaxe to dig my way up. Luckily I could build a staircase made of camp fires and make my way out.
At the foot of the mountain I found a randomly generated fire place with stools made of logs and shoes. Again: it wasn't easy to understand how to light up fire. But since it's so similar to Stranded(!) I found a piece of flint on the ground and managed to do it. Crafted a few tools (the inventory system is even worse despite the listing of all available crafting items), went out 30m and was surprised by a leopard who sneaked up from behind and began biting me (no actual animation. it simply stood in the centre of my character) - I tried to attack with the pickaxe in return but the hits didn't seem to land and I died.
You are forced to create a new charater, but you spawn in the same world. You will find a death note on your remainings.
Chopping trees
With the new tools you can now chop down trees. The difference is not really clear between clicking RMB on a tree =looting generic sticks and wood piles, and chopping it down with an axe (I found Stranded more intuitive, hitting trees was the same as chopping them down, but not as efficient). Anyway once the tree falls - you will need to hack it into pieces and finally collect the tree logs. You can even craft a Huge Log - but no idea what it does.
Guidance required
That's basically where I've got in the 80 minutes of gameplay. I had trouble progressing from here on. Based on the crafting recipes there was an oven that required iron/clay. I tried to randomly hit ground but it only got me dirt, no stone. I went back into the cave on the mountain an started hitting a side wall - no drops at all? Strange. I looked around and found a place where the texture looked dark yellow - finally some drops: stone, dirt... and some marble? Ok, didn't expect that to happen, but it's something. Later I found real Iron and Copper outside: grey and clay-like color. All that while I hoped to get my hands on clay, to no avail.
Walked around, planted some seeds (there's a Seed box which is basically a bag for seeds), finally found out there's a chest to store the items - a "wicker basket" that looked like it's filled with white fluid on the thumbnail.
Went to the beach, thought that there are just too many different plants and grass types and also food growing everywhere: bananas and water melons generated on the map can surely feed you a few days of playing time without a need of replanting.
The plant system
...is very basic. You can collect a growing plant, e.g. water melons. You can decide whether to eat or break it down into exactly 3 seeds. Same logic applies to all plants at the moment it seems.
Crafting System
Is something in between Terraria, Minecraft with a mod showing you all recipes and not at all Stranded. Once you get (craft?) a resource - the crafting guide will be updated with all new recipes possible with the items you have discovered so far.
Honestly, I was a little overwhelmed by the amount of items. It needs to be more streamlined, Stranded had this ruled out by the brute-forcing of crafting recipies. Stick + Stone -> Axe -> More Wood -> Pickaxe -> More Stone -> Stone Hammer+Spear -> Basic constructed items and so on. I couldn't find the most basic and needed items: Bed, Fence, Chest (Wicker Basket just doesn't look like a storage). Maybe I am too much biased towards Minecraft, but that's the only way 99% of newcomers will think of the beginning. Everybody has played Minecraft and none know Ylands/Stranded. If you make it easy for Minecraft Kids to comprehend and survive the first night - you got 'em.
User Interface
Gosh, it's awful.
Hotbar goes from 1-0, 1 is your hands, 0 is used as the target slot for everything that is equipped from within the inventory.
You have two inventory tabs: Crafting and Inventory. The problem there is, whenever I switch to crafting, I cannot see the main inventory anymore, I don't know how many items are left etc. Second issue - the color scheme is chosen poorly and I honestly forget to switch back to normal inventory after crafting and wonder why I can't drag'n'drop items into the hotbar.
Right Click is used to pickup items or interact with them. But then again: if you hold an item in hand, it must be used by doing a Left Click (lightin a torch, planting a seed). Minecraft's way of Left Click = Attack, Right Click = Interaction/Building sticks with me.
The item icons are very hard to recognise because of the game style and the little icon size. Item names only appear on hover, making it somewhat difficult to learn.
When you click on an item you open this item's menu. This menu opens on top of the Inventory (bad thing in my opinion) and only has the enlarged model on the right hand side (50% space) and on the left: "Dismantles into (cannot be dismantled)" and "Destruction yields (Grass+Aloe Vera Seed 3x)", and 4 buttons on the bottom: Repair, Drop, Equip, Close.
The Legacy: 3rd person view, Dayz-like hunger notifications
The 3rd person view has funnily enough kept the head turn mode while ALT is pressed (you can look around by running forward). However this system makes other aspects of navigation very problematic. Object selection seeks to find the closest object from the center of the screen (in 1st person you simply have a cursor). Aiming with weapons will be affected as well, be it melee or bows - simply because of a different perspective.
Now, the most important part for a survival game with a focus on the character: well being and feeling. I specifically mean the hunger bar here. There's are 5 hearts and a chunk of meat on the top left to indicate hunger and health. However either the food indicator isn't working or I don't understand it - I looked at the Dayz-like notifications in the bottom left. "I feel hungry", "I'm starving", "I'm feeling cold", "It's hot!". This method is so simple and dumb... while it's somewhat OK for Dayz Standalone - it shouldn't be present in a game like this PERIOD. I honestly would prefer Stranded 2 colored bars over this.
HTML5 games perform better. This graphics with 40 stuttery FPS and 1.2GB VRAM maxed out. I still cannot imagine how many people are left out on PUBG because of their old PCs. Games likes CS2D have its diminishing niche.
PS: After all Ylands is more about fun and exploration than survival. It's Terraria put in another setting. I am unsure whether it will gather traction and become overly popular. Even if it will, I'd rather focus on Stranded Deep. How is it doing by the way?
In conclusion: Learn from their mistakes now. The "negative" marked reviews are often the most elaborate of them all.
PPS: I can upload my 47min gameplay video if you're interested (nothing special).
Hey buddy that's a very nice looking map, but it would be much better if you post it on the file archive instead of here, I'm sorry if you're offended by this i mean no harm, I love you.