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old closed Re: Deleted Posts

User Off Offline

Dc is now well aware of @user ModJuicer:'s actions, i encourage everyone who notices him commit any clear rule violations here on out, to please report to DC yourself.

old closed Re: Deleted Posts

Reviewer Off Offline

@user Jawohl:
Bad idea. user DC made it clear that he despises PMs, and he doesn't want regular users to behave like moderators either. Just ignore it, or at least contact an active mod like user Starkkz, user SQ or user Rainoth who will (hopefully) take care of it.

Off-topic rant regarding the disgusting misuse of the @-feature in this thread:
Could you guys stop referring to users such as @user ModJuicer: mid-sentence like that? @ is just meant to be used at the beginning of your message to signal that you are responding to that person. Use "user:" for anything else, it's not as quick but it won't add the @ and : at the beginning and end of the username. Or at least remove those afterwards. Even user ModJuicer got it right! This is important stuff, folks. We live in a society!
edited 1×, last 28.05.19 03:19:53 am

old closed Re: Deleted Posts

Super User Off Offline

ok! ok! I will try to spend more time on what i type in and my titles. as for my mod, I didn't really want to push it, but it felt stupid just putting that post for mods without posting my own.

I never claimed my mod was my own creation and never will. I simply organized the files so that it was more user-friendly and fun to use, which it is by far and to me is really a dream come true.

thanks user Seekay for being supportive and 'nontoxic'. I really wish other users were like you, but they aren't. Unfortunately.

Everyone, if you have a problem with anything i do, please just tell me on pm. It is better that way, and I will listen to requests and also tell you why I do the things I do (and i'll try to leave out stupid excuses). I find flaming immature when you can pm someone personally

user JasJack67 said has written
Problem came here new and was given Super User early on when you had no experience within the community. Most everyone who has this status was here a lot longer before receiving Super User. Super User grants "special" abilities to bump threads and represents a member other members should view as role a moderator.

Problem 2...You have been abusive with the Super User status and constantly bumped your own threads when no members where commenting on your thread...preventing it from dropping in the ranks and becoming "old".

Problem 3...You repeatedly bumped threads marked as "old" even when it is stated "This thread is old are you sure your comment is relevant to bump the old thread". In most cases the threads were over a year old.

Problem 4...You have made several NEW threads about your mod...some unimportant and various content threads...and a few scripting questions that in the end you gave up on after we, the community, put effort into helping you try and solve.

Problem 5...You have not followed the advice or suggestions of the community members who have been registered for over 2000 and 3000 days who have repeatedly ask you to stop spamming and bumping threads.

Problem 6...You have created a lot of confusion in the forums where we have difficulty following exactly what you have done, what your offering the community, or where is your main content and/or contributions located.

Problem 7...You keep changing your name, your thread titles, your old threads, and bumping other threads, making it aggravating and difficult to follow your content.

Problem 8...Nobody here needs to be confused, aggravated, lost, entertained, ignored, stepped on, bumped over, forced, teased, mislead, and asked a bunch of things, even when you yourself do not keep interest in it. As your mission states your here to keep us all interested until S3 is released. Stop, we don't need you to do that, and there is no demand for it.

thanks for your honest input. I do listen to things such as this and I try to improve on my ways. It is really hard to listen to toxic people, so some actual feedback is nice to have

old closed Re: Deleted Posts

Assassin moder
User Off Offline

I just cringed more when i saw your post thread.. seriously? You can call it "the best" but it is not, sorry, nobody will agree with you because you just mixed mods, not even created your own stuff. You have no skills at scripting etc so how it can be "the best" there is a lot of better mods out here. This is my opinion, and I am allowed to say it. Don't tell me what is the best what not. cheers.

old closed Re: Deleted Posts

Super User Off Offline

I did not say my mod was the best. I said that I wanted people to upload good content high-quality mods.

Please. Could someone just actually upload a mod here, like this thread was meant for?

edited 2×, last 31.05.19 07:14:52 pm

old closed Re: Deleted Posts

BANNED Off Offline

you can earn money with run ads about the servers if you want to advertise your services with budget price so you can use the <LINK REMOVED>

Admin/mod comment

No, no and NO! /user GeoB99

old closed Re: Deleted Posts

User Off Offline

Well i dont know why, but i cannot use <weapon>_clipin and <weapon>_clipout.
I made a sounds for p228_clipin.wav and p228_clipout.wav, placed'em on my sfx/weapons/ folder and turned off all "mods". It doesn't work. Also i put these sounds into mods/mymod/sfx/weapons/ folder and console says me:
LOAD RES.: failed to load sound 'mods/S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - The Lost Land/sfx/weapons/p228_clipin.wav'
LOAD RES.: failed to load sound 'mods/S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - The Lost Land/sfx/weapons/p228_clipout.wav'

the sound p228.wav is working good and other sounds that changes actual firing sounds.
Maybe these things is not recognized and i have to add'em through servertransfer? But would they work in that case?
/please delete this reply, i managed out that files format was broken, i was able to listen it but cannot use in the game. I just re-converted it and it working.
edited 1×, last 21.09.19 07:27:12 pm

old closed Re: Deleted Posts


@user _oops: R E A L S H I T
Oh, and I also wonder who people are when they join a lone server...

old closed Re: Deleted Posts

User Off Offline

Get a real bike and go out. You get fresh air and see new places.

old closed Re: Deleted Posts

Grand Master
User Off Offline

At least You don't know anything, learn English first then come back.

DC will give you "IDIOT" role as soon. Read rules, lol. Oh I forgot you don't have a good English to read the rules.

× Ugly English: No same posts two times pls
edited 1×, last 11.10.19 05:43:47 pm

old closed Re: Deleted Posts

Admin Off Offline

Mouse sensitivity is not that easy to implement because BlitzMax doesn't allow to change it and CS2D is using the absolute mouse position provided by the system directly.

It would be possible to write a separate system for fullscreen mode but it don't really want to do that.
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