Need Sprites x.xZ- User Offline 02.04.11 04:31:04 am im not very good at making sprites.. just need some sprites to finish a map im making! would really help... me i just need things like sandbag walls.. sideways tables.. etc
Re: Need Sprites x.xMeatMagicianHDS User Offline 02.04.11 04:37:21 am Zantos has writtenim not very good at making sprites.. just need some sprites to finish a map im making! would really help... me i just need things like sandbag walls.. sideways tables.. etc When would you need them by?
Re: Need Sprites x.xZ- User Offline 02.04.11 05:51:42 am Don't really have a time.. But I would like to finish the map and upload it so people can enjoy it
Re: Need Sprites x.xMeatMagicianHDS User Offline 02.04.11 08:15:57 pm Zantos has writtenDon't really have a time.. But I would like to finish the map and upload it so people can enjoy it If you can give me a nice example, I might be tempted to do it.
Re: Need Sprites x.xZ- User Offline 02.04.11 09:38:49 pm the bottom pic in the windows where there is sandbags. Something like that. But more long? Edit: and even mayb one that'll make a 90 degree turn (curving)? That'd b nice:) edited 1×, last 02.04.11 09:55:07 pm
Re: Need Sprites x.xMeatMagicianHDS User Offline 07.04.11 01:41:54 am Zantos has written the bottom pic in the windows where there is sandbags. Something like that. But more long? Edit: and even mayb one that'll make a 90 degree turn (curving)? That'd b nice:) Arright. Maybe I'll have 'em by saturday.
o_ODovahkin User Offline 07.04.11 04:11:56 am If you dont know how to make sprites then. Search it in : Download it! Or learn sprite making! And Read twice before you post .
Re: Need Sprites x.xDannyDeth User Offline 07.04.11 09:37:36 am What are you trying to accomplish, firetounge? If someone asks someone else to make a sprite for them it isn't exactly murder. And I'll tell you one thing. I highly doubt you can make sprites at all.
Re: Need Sprites x.xDannyDeth User Offline 07.04.11 09:49:02 am Then don't say anything. Problem solved.
Re: Need Sprites x.xYates Reviewer Offline 07.04.11 02:38:29 pm This firetoung.. knows exactly what he said, but is too dumb to admit that he said something wrong.