TABLENAME = { [1] = "TEXT", [2] = "TEXT", [3] = "TEXT", etc.. },
Thanks very much! I'm sorry if i'm disturbing.
TABLENAME = { [1] = "TEXT", [2] = "TEXT", [3] = "TEXT", etc.. },
TABLE = {"table1","table2","etc"}
for t,m in ipairs(CONFIG.STATSMENU) do 		hudtxt2(id, #CONFIG.TABLE+t+10, m, '255255255', 380, 410+(t-1)*CONFIG.PIXELS, 0) 	end
if title == "General menu" then if button == 1 then inventory(id) elseif button == 2 then equipment(id) end end
addhook("serveraction","svact") function svact(id,a) 	if (a==2) then 		menu(id,"General Menu,Inventory,Equipment") 	end end addhook("menu","menus") function menus(id,menu,sel) 	if (menu=="General Menu") then 		if (sel==1) then 			inventory(id) --function doesn't exist btw, make your own one 		end 		if (sel==2) then 			equipment(id) --neither does this one 		end 	end end
{ 		name = 'Slime', health = 100, image('gfx/creeping/monsters/slime'..math.random(1, 4)..'.png', scalex = 1, scaley = 1, r = 136, g = 224, b = 32, 		atk = 0.3, def = 0.6, spd = 4, atkspd = 12, x = 0, y = 0, ang = 0, imgang = 0, runat = 10, 		spawnchance = {['rpg_mapb'] = {100}}, 		spawn = { 			['rpg_mapb'] = {SPAWNS.ALLWORLD} 		}, 		exp = 3, money = 6, loot = {{chance = 300, id = 824}, {chance = 250, id = 825}}, 	},
addhook('minute','OhGawdMinuteSave') function OhGawdMinuteSave() saveserver() msg('Minute Saving! By OhGawd-Gaming') end
addhook('minute','OhGawdMinuteSave') function OhGawdMinuteSave() saveserver() msg('Minute Saving! By OhGawd-Gaming') end
addhook('minute','OhGawdMinuteSave') function OhGawdMinuteSave() saveserver() msg('Minute Saving! By OhGawd-Gaming') end
saveserver() 	msg("Server saved")
addhook("minute","EXPminute") function EXPminute() 	MINUTES = MINUTES+1 	for i, v in ipairs(HOUSES) do 		if v.owner then 			local difftime = os.difftime(v.endtime, os.time()) 			if difftime <= 0 then 				local online 				for _, id in ipairs(player(0, 'table')) do 					if player(id, 'usgn') == v.owner then 						online = id 						break 					end 				end 				if not online then 					table.insert(PLAYERCACHE[v.owner].Info, "Your house has expired. All items will be sent to your inventory.") 				else 					message(online, "Your house has expired. All items will be sent to your inventory.") 					updateHUD(online) 				end 				houseexpire(i) 			elseif difftime < 300 then 				for _, id in ipairs(player(0, 'table')) do 					if player(id, 'usgn') == v.owner then 						message(id, "Your house will expire in " .. difftime .. " seconds.") 						break 					end 				end 			end 		end 	end 	if game'sv_password' == '' and MINUTES%5 == 0 then 		saveserver() 	end 	saveserver() 	msg("Server saved") end