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English Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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user Alistaire has written is not like newgrounds.

This. Times a million.

user Alistaire has written
I'd like a chatbox more than some super awesome pm system.

I've always thought of the idea of a chatbox being pretty shit. Aside from that, the PM system we have is good enough anyway.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Assassin moder
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DC say
user DC has written
no, because they make no sense.
so why you still asking him fo cookies? Anyway the flag/subscribe threads can be great idea for checking who is reply in your/subscribed thread when it's no on main page.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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user Alistaire has written is not like newgrounds. I'd like a chatbox more than some super awesome pm system. #unrealsoftware ( Thanks hador. )
IRC > chatbox. In truth I don't see many users there whenever I log into it.
edited 1×, last 11.02.12 11:49:37 am

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

A Mad Bro
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user Silent_Control has written
user A Mad Bro has written
make the professor on the index page say good day and good evening instead of just "hi"

Wouldn't make a big difference.

exactly. its no big deal so its done in maybe 5 minutes and it would make it look at least a little bit better.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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user xXPikachuXx has written
idk it would maybe be cool

No thanks. I would enjoy the stupidity of some users videos kept through a link instead of it being embedded.

user DevGru has written
I'm saying like you can tell add some basic infos about you in the master data.

The profiles that we currently have are fine with the information we can provide. What else could you want with even more information? (aside from stalking users)

user A Mad Bro has written
its no big deal

It's not big deal as in "nobody fucking cares". It's not a great idea and would be useless to implement.

user deletemepl0x has written
Super users or mods can like 2 times one file

That's just plain fucking stupid. This would be an unfair option to add towards the ratings as well.

user deletemepl0x has written
And you can place vids like pics.

Read the first part of this post.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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user Doberman has written
The profiles that we currently have are fine with the information we can provide. What else could you want with even more information? (aside from stalking users)

They can tell about themselves.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Admin Off Offline

@user DevGru: you might have noticed that is full of retarded assholes (no, I'm not calling everyone here a retarded asshole - just some of the users). one of my strategies is actually to give people less chances to abuse the system.

a good number of users is already writing flame and crap into the contact detail boxes even though that is explicitly forbidden.

now - with that in mind - do you still think it would be clever to give those idiots a textbox to add even more of this crap to their profiles?

I'm sorry for all the good users that know how to behave but:
• an additional info box is not really required at all
• many users abuse this stuff and I really don't want to clean it up
> it's easier to have nothing like that

if you still want to provide more info about you in your profile: get a website (there are many free web services where you can create little webpages without any knowledge about that) and put the link to it in your profile!
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