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English Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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user EngiN33R has written
I'm quite sure pointless ideas will be regarded as pointless and I doubt very much it will be implemented.

holy shet i couldn't understand you anyway ok.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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@user A Mad Bro: that's the worst idea ever. imagine a user in rage-mode which is temp banned for spamming. the user gets temp banned but can still continue to spam! great! super effective... NOT!

@ranks like scripter/modder: oh yeah and some random bitches will give themselves those titles without ever creating a skin or mod. no that's kinda stupid and pointless.

@deleting own stuff: suggested and declined several times already. reason: removing stuff can destroy the meaning of subsequent posts/comments (editing can do so as well but you can see who edited their stuff and at what time so you can see what happened). so I can only allow this if there are no subsequent posts/comments - or you can just think twice before posting something.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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Here's an idea that I already proposed a while ago:

The ability to sort files in the file archive by a like-to-comment ratio, to make up for the lack of a zero to five star rating system. I understand that I can search files by how many likes the files have, but I would like to have the option to see what files have more likes than just comments (of course multiple likes from the same user in a single submission counts as a single like, the comment count only increases per each unique user to comment without liking in the submission, and that the file creator/author does not increase the like/comment factors).

That way I could sort by the files that have the biggest like-to-non like ratio, and see REAL quality work as voted (or rather liked) by the community.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Reviewer Off Offline

user MAX-russia has written
user DC: make it show number of friends online in the up-right side of website, next to the avatar like "(12)Friends" .

nahh this is better

user DC has written
@ranks like scripter/modder: oh yeah and some random bitches will give themselves those titles without ever creating a skin or mod. no that's kinda stupid and pointless.

they need like 15 - Ø average per file then they get it
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