
not liking a file = disliking it / having no opinion. so just don't check that like checkbox if you don't like it and use the comment to explain why you dislike it so the creator of the file can improve it.
edited 1×, last 04.02.12 12:53:14 pm

He said thread rules, not the site ones.
Sparty has written
If DC says Yes then Accepted If no then No
Explain or Show an Image
This is Only For Unrealsoftware site
Do Not go off-Topic
No Swearing or Spamming like Shit
DC Said I could make this and he doesn't Give a shit
Do Not put Trolling or Rick Rolling OR foreveralone? what other shit..


Like you said

So, are you going to add these?
1. thread subscriptions
2. chat room (where you can't say links)
3. post/comment liking and disliking
4. more backgrounds, what you can choose

no, because they make no sense.
I meant like: A user gives a cookie to another user (Only once) then something on the profile says:
Cookies received: 42

What id liked to see:
thread subscriptions
chat room (where you can't say links)
post/comment liking and disliking
more backgrounds, what you can choose

chat room? flame online ?

No, seriously. Retarded.

I think Unrealsoftware is good enough.

Godd dammnn dont banned me again :[ anyway

edited 1×, last 05.02.12 08:25:37 am
Admin/mod comment

Since the USGN detects if a user is playing a game or is online @ the website, potentially you could keep a private or public counter that users can visit to find out how much time on cs2d or on the website they usually are on for.
Latest Visit:

but cs2d latest visited ok

Since the USGN detects if a user is playing a game or is online @ the website, potentially you could keep a private or public counter that users can visit to find out how much time on cs2d or on the website they usually are on for.
Latest Visit:

but cs2d latest visited ok

No I mean like in xfire, where it shows how long you have been in a certain game, in the last 7 weeks, or all together.