wind2d has written
I think they should add an anti cheat the game, how sxe injected.
This game is played all over the world, and a lot of players use hacks or cheats.
i hear they are working on that for the next cs2d tournament. perhaps they could include it into the next cs2d? probably not.
but besides that, there's the usual:
players hack -> get more admins
get more admins -> abuse of powers
abuse of powers -> admin powers removed
less admin activity -> more hackers
repeat sXe Injected is a good idea. but DC won't agree at this. Admins are only trusted persons = no hackers, no abusers = no problems.
Mikoto has written
Admins are only trusted persons = no hackers, no abusers = no problems.
Have you ever played on a Brazilian server? They're full of "admins".
Ashelin has written
Mikoto has written
Admins are only trusted persons = no hackers, no abusers = no problems.
Have you ever played on a Brazilian server? They're full of "admins".
Your Right. And still abuse and shit. don't care about you. (some does?)
it could be done with a lua script
And it will be better if you can throw the HE or Flash or something back.
Ashelin has written
Mikoto has written
Admins are only trusted persons = no hackers, no abusers = no problems.
Have you ever played on a Brazilian server? They're full of "admins".
Why are you so upsest with Brazillians? Don't forget about Turks, Russians, and other kids.
Not only Brazillian people play cs2d, you know. Maybe when spectating showing someone getting flashed. Though I dont know if this is possible. @
Infinite Rain: Since Brazilians mostly are the ones abusing. Turkish people, i mean kids, aren't too much of a problem and i've never seen a Russian abuse any server rules. I would of written that Turks also abuse servers, but really, Brazillians are at the top. Anyways, maybe let's call them "Abuser Kids" so there won't be any need to list these well-known countrys. FlooD GAME BANNED
sv_specmode 3
dead T and CT can spec teammates only
spectators can spec nobody.
Ashelin has written
Infinite Rain: Since Brazilians mostly are the ones abusing. Turkish people, i mean kids, aren't too much of a problem and i've never seen a Russian abuse any server rules. I would of written that Turks also abuse servers, but really, Brazillians are at the top. Anyways, maybe let's call them "Abuser Kids" so there won't be any need to list these well-known countrys.
I'm a Turk. I don't know why you said Turkish people are kids.
Did you EVEN try facing them with a camera? No.
So, shut your mouth. Okay?
Get banned for flaming. He ment Turkish kids, for fuck's sake, not normal people. You don't need to be mad.
Ashelin has written
Infinite Rain: Since Brazilians mostly are the ones abusing. Turkish people, i mean kids, aren't too much of a problem and i've never seen a Russian abuse any server rules. I would of written that Turks also abuse servers, but really, Brazillians are at the top. Anyways, maybe let's call them "Abuser Kids" so there won't be any need to list these well-known countrys.
So, tell me how you get into this conclusion.
Here's mine:
Brazilians are the 4th most registered here, where north american people are the 1st, so, there's more probablity on american players abusing the rules than brazilians. Also, every day I check unreal software, I see shitllions of useless threads like uber-f**king big script requests, admin scripts, tibia edits, threads "which is your favorite stuff", and so on. Have a search on these topics, and you gonna see north american users mostly.
Turkish, Polish, Brazilian and Arab players generally have been blamed for "being a kid for no knowing english", and so on. Do you ever thought that english is not everyone's mother language? Did you manange to learn other's country languages? It's pretty hard, and not all has this privillege to know that.
Well, I'm a Brazilian. F**k me, right? I'm a kid for being brazilian?
I suggested some things on my last post, but here is some more ideas:
underwater tiles, which you have a breathing bar that appears in screen showing your current breath.
some weapons, grenades and fire-propeled items have their efficiency decreased due to being in water.
instead of a pixel-based minimap (when on spectator mode), show a "miniature" of the map, like a map export, as in Counter-Strike 1.6
capability to "throw" weapons instead of dropping, when you press "G", as in Counter-Strike 1.6 Fucking hell people. Can you all not go off-topic for once!?
People here complaining about kids-that-dont-speak-english-and-are-retarded: Don't play on shit ass servers with crappy admins that are retarded as well. It's not rocket science.
mozilla1 has written
Did you manange to learn other's country languages? It's pretty hard, and not all has this privillege to know that.
It's not. It's terribly easy, been there done that. Also not everyone here is English and can speak it fine. But I don't see why this should be a reason to dislike foreigners, if they don't play like a douche then there is nothing wrong with them.
mozilla1 has written
Well, I'm a Brazilian. F**k me, right? I'm a kid for being brazilian?
No one said you were, and no one with the right sense of mind will. What I can tell you is this, most Brazillian people playing CS2D ARE kids. It's a common fact and we can't do anything about it.
Now everyone, back on topic. I don't want to see another thread going down the shithole unless the thread is pure madness and if someone has anything else to say use PM. It's not hard and you won't be less of a man because you think not replying will make others think you are some kind of pussy. In fact, no one gives a shit.
Now without more ado. Good night. @
mozilla1: Sorry but you're wrong, just go to cs2d there are too many Brazilians who aren't registered to usgn.
it's just that brazilians are easy to recognize because of the "BR" tag and "br? pls no kill".
brazilians are much better than arabs and turks because they don't take it personal they just hack to have fun and leave unlike arabs for example who hack just to annoy you. DC Admin
Stop the off-topic crap or you'll get temp bans.
This thread is about ideas only.
(I would give everyone talking about Brazilian / Turkish hacker flame shit here a temp ban but there are just too many f*cking OT posts! But everyone who continues will get an extra long temp ban!)
FlooD has written
sv_specmode 3
dead T and CT can spec teammates only
spectators can spec nobody.
this. Admin/mod comment
I reiterate my idea.
I think they should add an anti cheat the game, how sxe injected.
This game is played all over the world, and a lot of players use hacks or cheats.
Admin/mod comment
you "reiterate"? This is also called "spam". Don't do it. /DC a chat system in friend usgn list!