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English CS2D Bug Reports

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old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

User On Online

I've experienced something like you throwing an grenade and somebody closed the door(dyn_wall) and the grenade is get through, but in face it bounced, you see as the nade is exploded after wall but in fact it exploded near you bcs of bounce. But that it damages through walls and such big distance.. Something weird. Also may be a bad hitreg.

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Reviewer Off Offline

@user Mora: This issue is produced by lag latency and no synchronization for flying projectile items between sever and client. For a one person it looks correctly and for a other one it looks unsynchronized.

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports


@user Gaios:
It looks nothing like synchronization issue. One thing is to get hit by lag compensation from a delayed movement where the grenade landed and other is to get hit by a grenade which went the other way nowhere even close to you.

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Admin Off Offline

Agree. Most likely network sync problems. Not sure why the occur. The damage is always calculated on server side so it's always correct even if the grenade is flying somewhere else on the client.

Also note that there's a setting to make explosion damage pass through walls: cs2d cmd mp_curtailedexplosions - make sure it is set to 1 if you don't want explosion damage to pass through walls.

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

User On Online

The hitreg (idk it about sync or not) working incorrectly somehow.
For example you firing 30 bullets from m4a1 into the Wall III with a spray, without stopping and the total damage will be lower by approximately five shots. But otherwise when you firing the Wall III with round by round, proclicking. In that case all the bullets will reach victim.
And the third case is when you firing nonstop 29 bullets (and leave only 1 bullet, then u stop to firing) and then you dont see how you firing 4-5 left bullets but you dont click anything. Seems in this case missed hits delayed and then each second they firing back for total 4 or 5 seconds.
(noticed when i having 50-90ms ping, but may be also happen to any ping)

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

User Off Offline

Question. Did you fix code releated with LC after change game FPS from 50 to 60? I feel that something is bugged there...

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

User Off Offline

• If you take the number of a tween_move() and count it down with the ms100 hook at the same time, then tween_move () is always faster. The longer the time, the bigger the difference becomes.

• If using tween_animate() BEFORE player is on server, the animation will be really really fast.
edited 1×, last 17.09.19 09:18:32 pm

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Admin Off Offline

@user Mora: Shots are sent in an unreliable manner. So this can be caused by packet loss and varying latency between you and the server.
And yes, there is a simple counter in the server. In case you are shooting faster than you are allowed to (can be caused by either hacks or varying latency) the server won't register that shot immediately but count up the counter and simulate the shot as soon as you are allowed to shoot again (not sure if this is the behavior you described).

@user Hajt: I think so. It was always cheap and never super accurate.

@user Edik: cs2d lua hook ms100 (and other timing hooks) are not executed EXACTLY every X ms but the delay between 2 executions is always AT LEAST X ms. Based on the FPS caps (CS2D is single threaded) actual execution rate can and will be a few milliseconds off.

This won't be changed. Please always use timers (or tweens) for better precision. The FPS imprecision still matters here but it will only have an impact once so the worst possible divergence is about 16 ms (with 60 fps).

Using hooks to count up timers is very bad practice and not recommended if you need precision as the error will sum up over time - like you already noticed.

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

User Off Offline

Oh, well I missed out that these time hooks are depending on the frames. Thanks for that.

But tween_animate() seems to be bugged, if you run it before you join the server. Probably Client is missing the speed of the animation, so he just takes 0 as the speed. Right now there is a dirty fix to set the anmation again whenever a player joins. But would be cool if this gets fixed .

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

User Off Offline

The grenade explosion bug is a reality, I throw the HE, it goes to an direction and the explosion went in the other direction (and I killed a guy where it exploded). I think it's a sync problem with the projectile image. I'll try to reproduce it again and understand what happens. Maybe it's a pixel perfect in the corner of a wall due to the new resolution, idk.

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Reviewer Off Offline

®path text tag (draws image in chat)

How to draw image with special path like
, or
, or

Spritesheet command needs additional parameter for start frame to replace default frame: 1. Or another special path to draw image from spritesheet by frame id.

Maybe hotfix user DC? I need that ASAP, because I don't want players to download eg. 50 images instead of 1.

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Admin Off Offline

@user Edik: Ah, that's possible. Will check. Thanks!

@user mrc: Yes it can happen in some cases and yes it's a sync problem. The calculation is sometimes slightly off which can lead to totally different results when the grenade hits the corner of a wall on server but doesn't hit it on client because it's like half a pixel off. I didn't look into it yet but I'm very sure that the problem was present in the first version already and isn't related to the resolution.

@user Gaios:
user SQ implemented that stuff (images in text and spritesheets) which is why I can't say much about it without looking into it. I assume that most of the tags are not supported when using images in text.
Also you have to use cs2d lua cmd imageframe to change the frame of a spritesheet.

Maybe I will do a small fix soon for the missing changes with the new HUD text ID range mentioned by user Masea
Maybe I find time to fix/improve some other things mentioned here as well.
edited 1×, last 26.09.19 11:40:08 pm

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Moderator Off Offline

@user Gaios: Chat Image has nothing to do with Lua Image() implementation. "<flag:iso>" features are only related to dynamic images on that map.

® implementation is pretty much the same as © for the colors.

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Reviewer Off Offline

user DC has written
Also you have to use cs2d lua cmd imageframe to change the frame of a spritesheet.

But I can't change image frame for chat image. I want something to draw image at chat from spritesheet

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

User Off Offline

There is a wrong error with spritesheets and http download. If joining server this error will be shown:

The server is saying this:

File added to Servertransfer.lst:
1 > gfx/a.bmp

Image created with lua:
image("<spritesheet:gfx/a.bmp:32:32:m>", x, y, 3)

Besides these errors everything works. Its added to servertransfer.lst correctly (yes without <m>) and the image will be downloaded and also shown to the player. Maybe there is something with the <m> while checking if the file exists? The Flag <m> is only used at the lua code.

Also it seems that downloads stop randomly on random servers. It downloads a couple of files and then stops. It is needed to cancel the download and rejoin the server so it will continue for the next couple of files. Could be my imagination, but I think http downloads work better. But even if using that, the map will be downloaded directly, where the download can and will often stop again.
edited 5×, last 27.09.19 04:51:13 pm

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

User Off Offline

@user Edik: these net problem is same for my mod, there's a problem with sending image data between client and server, but dc and simonas said that there is no glitches.

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Grand Master
User Off Offline

Can you use your mind even for once time guys, Pagrya did you trust Simonas? Of course it's glitch, Simonas does not know anything.
edited 1×, last 27.09.19 09:52:15 pm

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Admin Off Offline

@user Pagyra: What? No! I'm very sure that I never said that there are no glitches! CS2D is full of bugs. Like most software projects. The file transfer is very fragile and full of issues. All mod related stuff is even worse.

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

User On Online

Bug with reloading mode on "reload" hook.
used code
addhook("reload", "_reload")
function _reload(id, mode)
when i reloading pistols is okay, when i reload rpg is okay:
on start 1, on finish 2
when i reloading rifles, that doesnt have zoom - is okay:
on start 1, on finish 2
When i reloading weapon that having zoom isn't okay:
on start 0, on finish 2.
Idk what cause that problem but i can still use "if mode==1 or mode==0 then", but seems is something wrong.
cs2d lua hook reload says nothing about 0 mode.
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