Most Map lost his tiles.
Look at the screenshot!
edited 1×, last 17.12.19 12:29:30 pm
addhook("leave", "leave_test") function leave_test(id) 	print("leave id " end parse("quit") -- leave id 0
addhook("shutdown", "shutdown_print") function shutdown_print() 	print("shutdown") end -- Ctrl+C doesn't print "shutdown"
addhook("parse", "parse_utf8") function parse_utf8(cmd) 	print("execute command \""..cmd.."\"") end parse("UTF-8:x6Dx73x67x20x48x65x6Cx6Cx6F") -- execute command "msg Hello" parse("UTF-8:\\x6D\\x73\\x67\\x20\\x48\\x65\\x6C\\x6C\\x6F") -- execute command ""
[b]HE Overkill has left the game (kicked: Command Flood (Reload))