if i type !rs in chat box
i won't !rs show in chat box
how ?
plz fast help
cuz i am noob in scripting i need to fix this
sry for my bad english hope u get the idea
return 1to disable your chat message being shown in chat, take a look at the documentation.
addhook("say" , "saycommand3") function saycommand3(id,txt) if(txt=="!test") then parse("kill "..id.."") return 1 end end
testlist = {usgnhere} addhook("say","testsay") function testsay(id,txt) for _, usgn in ipairs(testlist) do if player(id,'usgn') == usgn then 	msg("©000255000"..player(id,"name").."©255128000 [test]:©000255000 "..txt) return 1 end end end
addhook("say","rs_say") function rs_say(id,txt) 	if txt == "!rs" then 		parse("setscore "..id.." 0") 		parse("setdeaths "..id.." 0") 		msg2(id,"©255255255Score reset.") 		return 1 	end end
addhook("say" , "sayhook1") function sayhook1(id,txt) if(txt=="!help") then 	msg2(id,"©000255000!rs") 	msg2(id,"©000255000!kill") 	msg2(id,"©000255000!hats") 	msg2(id,"©000255000!mypos") 	msg2(id,"©000255000!angry") 	msg2(id,"©000255000!kickme") 	msg2(id,"©000255000!armors") 	msg2(id,"©000255000!powers") 	msg2(id,"©000255000!weapons") end if(txt=="!rs") then parse ("setscore "..id.." 0") parse ("setdeaths "..id.." 0") 	msg2(id,"©255000000[SERVER]:".."©000255000 Score reseted successful.") end if(txt=="!kill") then parse ("kill "..id.."") end if(txt=="!kickme") then parse ("kick "..id.."") end if(txt=="!weapons") then 	menu(id,"Weapons Menu 1 / 2,M3|1000$,M4A1|2600$,M249|5000$,,Flamerthrower|16000$,Rocket Launcher|3 Score,RPG Launcher|4 Score,,Next|>>") end if(txt=="!armors") then 	menu(id,"Armors Menu,Light Armor|3000$,Medium Armor|15000$,Medic Armor|5 Score,Heavy Armor|10 Score,Super Armor|45 Score,,,,Stealth Suit|3000$") end if(txt=="!powers") then 	menu(id,"Powers Menu,5x Speed|10 Score,Full Healthy|12 Score,,Teleport CT|10 Score,Teleport T|10 Score,,Restart|35 Score,Kill All|40 Score,+1 Score|16000$") end if(txt=="!hats") then 	menu(id,"Hats Menu 1 / 2,Armor,Gandalf,Marine,Priate,Angel,Devil,Graduation,Party,Next|>>") end if(txt=="!angry") then parse("shake "..id.." 100") return 1 end end
addhook("say" , "sayhook1") function sayhook1(id,txt) if(txt=="!help") then 	msg2(id,"©000255000!rs") 	msg2(id,"©000255000!kill") 	msg2(id,"©000255000!hats") 	msg2(id,"©000255000!mypos") 	msg2(id,"©000255000!angry") 	msg2(id,"©000255000!kickme") 	msg2(id,"©000255000!armors") 	msg2(id,"©000255000!powers") 	msg2(id,"©000255000!weapons") end if(txt=="!rs") then parse ("setscore "..id.." 0") parse ("setdeaths "..id.." 0") 	msg2(id,"©255000000[SERVER]:".."©000255000 Score reseted successful.") end if(txt=="!kill") then parse ("kill "..id.."") end if(txt=="!kickme") then parse ("kick "..id.."") end if(txt=="!weapons") then 	menu(id,"Weapons Menu 1 / 2,M3|1000$,M4A1|2600$,M249|5000$,,Flamerthrower|16000$,Rocket Launcher|3 Score,RPG Launcher|4 Score,,Next|>>") end if(txt=="!armors") then 	menu(id,"Armors Menu,Light Armor|3000$,Medium Armor|15000$,Medic Armor|5 Score,Heavy Armor|10 Score,Super Armor|45 Score,,,,Stealth Suit|3000$") end if(txt=="!powers") then 	menu(id,"Powers Menu,5x Speed|10 Score,Full Healthy|12 Score,,Teleport CT|10 Score,Teleport T|10 Score,,Restart|35 Score,Kill All|40 Score,+1 Score|16000$") end if(txt=="!hats") then 	menu(id,"Hats Menu 1 / 2,Armor,Gandalf,Marine,Priate,Angel,Devil,Graduation,Party,Next|>>") end if(txt=="!angry") then parse("shake "..id.." 100") end return 1 end
return 1is independent by other IF conditions and their conditional body. To make it clear, let's say you want !menu text-say-command to not be displayed thus you need to add return 1 at the end of the condition. However note that other commands such as !admin for instance will be displayed.
return 1inside the second IF condition as you don't want !rs to be displayed within the chat.