Hello, i am Andréz, administrator of PCS (cs2d.net), i am currently triying to make the best construction tournament there ever was, for that i need help from US Scripters there are examples of good scripters which have helped in the past like @ Gajos: and his money script.
-Scripts required:
Timer(counting the time from LIVE then rr when live again.)
Then compare the times between second round and first round(if 1:1, the team that won in less time wins)
From 0:0 to 2 min mp_damagefactor 0.5 for everyone
from 2 min to 10 min: 1.0 (damagefactor)
from 10 min to 15 min: 1.2
from 15 min to 20 min:1.5
from +20 min 2.0
this gotta be automatic.
Kills counter as team.
25 kills:10%speed for the team
50 kills= 1 molotov each 30 seconds for every player of the team
75: air strikes each minute for the attacker of the team
100 kills: that machinegun that has like 500 ammo each 1min for one player of the team
-Armor restart when round ends
TIE BREAKERS(last 3 min)(kinda work like doom bots onl eague of legends)
SPEEDMOD FOR ALL (number to be decided)
RPG at respawn for all(multiplies
- more that i dont have ideas yet...
-rpg launchers for all
-air strikes for all (each min)
roles: (its 3v3) there can only be one of each, selected at the start of the game
defender(130 hp)
support(15% faster than all the players)
attacker:1 gas grenade each 1 min
each one with different settings
+should have automatically these settings with the lua when you press !live
now the rules
mp_damagefactor 1
mp_building_limit dispenser 1
mp_building_limit turret 3
mp_dispenser_health 10
mp_dispenser_money 10000
I need to limit gatefields to 6
barbed wires to 20
walls to 15 per player.. but idk how.. any clue?
Idk about turret damage or building healths.
Fun moments:
each 2,5 min one of these change:
-sv_fow 3 for 2,5 min
then switch off
2,5 min of friendly fire
2,5 min of ...somethign fun and different
Thank you!