but i am new and you can say i am noob scripting too
i want to know how to make item spawn on the mouse position
Thanks for help
item_id = 1 --item id here. (example: 1 = usp) positions = {} addhook("join","_join") function _join(id) 	positions[id] = {x = 0, y = 0} end addhook("clientdata","_cd") function _cd(id,m,x,y) 	if m == 2 then 		positions[id].x, positions[id].y = x, y 	end end function spawn_item_mouse(id) 	reqcld(id,2) 	local x, y = math.floor(positions[id].x/32), math.floor(positions[id].y/32) 	parse("spawnitem "..item_id.." "..x.." "..y) end