Stranded II
Stranded II map
Stranded II map
6 replies Hello guys,
I am looking for a special map, I can´t remember its name or which version / mod of S2 it was contained in.
Things I can tell you:
1.) it was in german language / maybe now translated /
2.) it wasn´t the main version of the game because there already were new items, also hair growing, cooking skill
3.) there were applied some rules - one of them I can remember was: if you planted more than 7? pieces of grain in ground you were struck by a lightning
4.) in jungle there was a secret place in a big tree, u found a machette, some iron to craft scissors and other tools
5.) also in middle of jungle there was a left boat in a small lake
with things inside
6.) on the top of mountains were volcanos with only sulfur deposit on the island
7.) there was a cave with bird poos inside and also dirt deposits spawning once a time
8.) I have a strange feeling the map was called: Island of Sun 1.5.3? or smthing like that
Pls try help me, if need more specific information post here smthing, I could try to memorize more.
THANK YOU ALL Not sure about the map, but it could be from Extension Mod, according to your description. Yes, it was a map from Extension Mod, but when I downloaded it, the map was not there. I found different download links with different size of the game but couldn´t found it ingame. The map was not in Abenteur /adventure/ but in Zufallsinsel / the second from top /. Can u pls search in your game if there is some map like this? TY I'm sorry, dude, I didn't find the map you're talking about. The maps called Wirklichkeit (or something like that) were somewhat similiar to your description, but not I think it's not what are you looking for. I searched more and some new things which I can write down:
1.) it was first map where Hairs ( Haare in DE ) were growing and u could only use liane to put them out or cut with scissors which u couldnt craft because there was no iron ( u found iron in a see in barrel )
2.) this map was contained in older version of extension mod, before MINING CAVE was able to build on f.e. on copper deposit
also when u made poison u needed to squeeze it with stone and then use flask to fill it
3.) in middle of forest there was a swamp with crashsite of plane, where u found batteries and light I would try to search it on German forums of Ext mod. I would, if my German was not that rusty
Or just ask one of developers, like @
Mc Leaf: for older version. Also I found the map even its name... called Don Phillippe Map 1.2 and next upload was Island of SUN 1.4 ... but, no download link, those rapidshare links I found are broken.