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CS2D Scripts In need of Lua scripter for a mod!In need of Lua scripter for a mod!
7 replies 1
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Gaios has written
Describe the project. Also not really scripters will work for free.
Well its a mod that replaces mostly everything to HD models and other stuff.. It has a mod page where i fully explain it.
But what I need the script to do is allow the player to jump over obstacles but not walls, technically a jump script. Maybe a Crouch script if your up to do it.
DraconX has written
All you said would work badly in CS2D. Don't even bother trying to do this. But what I need the script to do is allow the player to jump over obstacles but not walls, technically a jump script. Maybe a Crouch script if your up to do it.
Masea has written
DraconX has written
All you said would work badly in CS2D. Don't even bother trying to do this.But what I need the script to do is allow the player to jump over obstacles but not walls, technically a jump script. Maybe a Crouch script if your up to do it.
Well ive seen something like it online and stuff.. The one i saw ran perfectly and allowed you only to float in the air for 1 second.
i think
user: Rygna
Has the script that you wanted ( Parkour Script )
as far as i remember, infact he uploaded the script to
apex2d has written
yeah i know i downloaded it but its not how i want it for my mod.