So I want members from CT to not go through a tunnel, I tried team gate but bots are stupid and go into it and die . Is there an invisible wall that works only for certain team?
There isn't. Although you can salvage that "teleport players back when they try to walk on water" script found in CS2DTibia - RPG (310) to make an improvised barrier script of sorts.
That will not stop the bots from walking through it, @ Cure Pikachu: and getting stuck. I have once worked with the bot scripts and it is possible to do something about it.
he probably means like the invisible walls in cs:go,bullets can go,grenades can go,but movement is blocked,deny walls work but something more complex would be nice
You can use this construction on map: function Func_DynWall and triggers Move for each team. In settings DynWall chose obstacle w/o shadow and transparent or floor tile