Can anybody change it?
target = {} addhook("say","_s") function _s(id,t) if t:sub(1,6) == "!bring" and tonumber(t:sub(8,9)) then target[id] = tonumber(t:sub(8,9)) return 1 end end addhook("projectile","_prj") function _prj(id,w,x,y) if w == 86 then if not (player(target[id],"health") > 0) then parse("spawnplayer "[id].." "..x.." "..y) msg(p"©000255127[Server]You have Just Bring a Player") end end end
-Player can bring his own team players not opponents teammates.
And Player Who will Revived so he will receive a msg something like "(Player) have Just Revived you"
If player mistakenly Type id of opponents teammate so
Player don't revive and He Receive Message "[Error] You can't Revive Opponents Temmates"
Can anybody change this lua function according as i want?
Please help me.
edited 2×, last 01.05.18 09:42:35 am