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English Found my win username in my C++ program with HxD..

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old Found my win username in my C++ program with HxD..

The Dark Shadow
User Off Offline

Well, I built a C++ (program) executable file with MS Visual Studio a few days ago, So I decided to start checking it to make sure that none of my personal information is inside it nor its easily hackable, So firstly I started with some memory viewing programs but I found nothing much wrong with it so then I started with Hexadecimal Editor (HxD) and I searched for my own Windows Personal User Name, unfortunately, I found my own Windows Personal User Name there I didn't even implement anything with my windows personal username into my program, Seems like something is wrong with MS Visual studio. So here I'm asking for:

• Why are my user name and some more of my personal information there?
• Is there anything else that is considered as insecure or inappropriate or About My Privacy similar to the above?
• How can I hide them without putting much work into it?

Note: It's built/converted into an executable file by MS Visual Studio

Would be appreciated!
edited 2×, last 14.11.20 02:26:26 pm

old Re: Found my win username in my C++ program with HxD..

User Off Offline

No. It's the path to the programs .pdb file. The pbd file contains debugging information. This path will probably be removed once you compile in release mode, as the compiler strips all debugging information then.

old Re: Found my win username in my C++ program with HxD..

User Off Offline

You should create a neutral VM to avoid leaking information:
• Choose en-US keyboard layout
• American timezone, regional settings etc.
• Neutral username
Alternatively you can pretend to me someone else from another country, follow the same procedures, leave some misleading clues.

Just remember: everyone is a human, you cannot expect them to be objective. To be misleading (in detail) is better than to offer no information to work with.
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