If PlayerA say "!kill", playerB dont see this message
But i dont know how to do this, can you help me with it?
addhook("say","saystuff") function saystuff(p,txt) 	if (txt=="!kill") then 		parse("killplayer " .. p) 		return 1 	end end
return 1is the important part. It prevents that the chat message is displayed/sent to other players.
parse("killplayer " .. p)is just what I assumed you want to do. You can replace that part with whatever you want.
addhook("say","saystuff") function saystuff(id,txt) if (player(id,"usgn") == 51028) then msg("Bowlinghead [SuperCool]: "..txt); return 1; end end
addhook("say","sayFunc") function sayFunc(id, txt) if (txt == "!kill") then msg2(id, "Kill "..player(id, "name")) parse("killplayer "..id) end end