It's "used" though (as I lost the original .zip file)
Cookie for you. :3
Cmm builder, u must be out of school by now. Hope you got all As.
How do I make sure to get at least 2 sheep and 1 lion and one raptor in small islands? Hard mode. I already got all characters. Just wanna add the animals.
edited 1×, last 28.05.12 05:33:11 am
Cmm builder, u must be out of school by now.
How in whoes contry. For example in Latvia, for form 9 and 12 as good as for universities it is the exam time. And it's so to the mid of June...
How do I make sure to get at least 2 sheep and 1 lion and one raptor in small islands? Hard mode. I already got all characters. Just wanna add the animals.
where you added all the characters. find the hard mode section, an change the amont of those animals. But for the first find their "ID", that you could been able to find those animals. If there is 2 more numbers, then it means min-max (or max-min), if one - then exatly amount.
(I have no stranded in the computer, so I can't look for it by my self....)
Massive size
I'm probably just not seeing it.
if you have notepad ++ that would be amazing.
change line 2571 of the objects_buildings.inf file to:
if ($dtype==1)
the other links don't work for me because I'm using school net so the sites are blocked please!
But I've already modded the file and the distiller so the information is not in the same line as it was before. Any better clue as to which piece of code needs to be changed, from what to what?
edited 1×, last 01.06.12 07:07:53 am
Please can someone please re-upload the latest version of this MOD please upload it to: and then give me the link.
the other links don't work for me because I'm using school net so the sites are blocked please!
the other links don't work for me because I'm using school net so the sites are blocked please!
Wikisend link for you (does NOT include distiller fix):
and bihlbo
if ($dtype==0){
if (count_stored("object",$i,4928)>=1){ //undistilled grain water
freestored "object",$i,4928,1;
store $id,"object",$i;
if (count_stored("object",$i,4895)>=1){ //saltwater in glass bottle
freestored "object",$i,4895,1;
store $id,"object",$i;
sorry, wasn't sure how to get it in the code thing. but change the if ($dtype==0){ to if ($dtype==1){
Please can someone please re-upload the latest version of this MOD please upload it to: and then give me the link.
the other links don't work for me because I'm using school net so the sites are blocked please!
the other links don't work for me because I'm using school net so the sites are blocked please!
Wikisend link for you (does NOT include distiller fix):
Thx dude
and i saw how to get the distiller fixed in-code
EDIT: how do i extract the files?
It wont let me?
And thank you!
have you tried with winzip or winrar or something else along those lines?
tryed that to but it wont extract the files???
Is it just me or does everyone have the same problem with the grill never cooking the food? I've tried a lot of times but it seems like only 1 other person has had this problem and i think that was an old version...
i think it's just you? i've never had that problem. only thing i can think of is it has something to do with your cooking_scripts or cooking_scripts_hard, depending on what you're playing on ? but i don't really know
tryed that to but it wont extract the files???
erm, if the winzip or whatever you're using works with other stuff, i'm not sure. i haven't downloaded the one on wikisend