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Englisch Best VPS location for CS2D servers

29 Antworten
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US, Chicago

Nur registrierte Benutzer können abstimmen
US, Texas
12,90% (4)
UK, London
6,45% (2)
EU, France
3,23% (1)
EU, Germany
64,52% (20)
EU, Nerthland
6,45% (2)
Another!? (coment)
6,45% (2)
31 Stimmen abgegeben

alt Re: Best VPS location for CS2D servers

User Spielt CS2D

user Shawni hat geschrieben
user sheeL hat geschrieben
United States/Canada, in my opinion...

I live in north Africa and i get 180 ping to United States.

Anyway, the best location is Germany or somewhere near.

United states is very extensive, exists various hosts, i live in South America, and has hosts with ping 200, other with 130, etc
Choosing the correct host, will help you much
(PS = Seriosly Germany? is hard i see any Germany server filled.)

alt Re: Best VPS location for CS2D servers

User Off Offline

@user sheeL: ,
sheel sheel sheel sheel sheel sheel shit sheel sheel
Mehr >

Do you even have a brain ? Your ideas should echoe.
Just because you live in america it doesnt means everybody else lives.

Now think, from which continent are the most of Counter Strike 2D players ? (Asia, of course. ).

So, hosting a server on a country on or close to the center of the principal continent would probably be the best thing to do.

Also, just to clarify you something, most of CS2D popular servers are hosted on Germany or France.

Well, just saying I voted on Nerthlands . I had some good experiences with servers (not only counter strike 2d ones) hosted in it.

alt Re: Best VPS location for CS2D servers

User Spielt CS2D

user _Yank hat geschrieben
@user sheeL: ,
sheel sheel sheel sheel sheel sheel shit sheel sheel
Mehr >

Do you even have a brain ? Your ideas should echoe.
Just because you live in america it doesnt means everybody else lives.

Now think, from which continent are the most of Counter Strike 2D players ? (Asia, of course. ).

So, hosting a server on a country on or close to the center of the principal continent would probably be the best thing to do.

Also, just to clarify you something, most of CS2D popular servers are hosted on Germany or France.

Well, just saying I voted on Nerthlands . I had some good experiences with servers (not only counter strike 2d ones) hosted in it.

Really? my CS2D server list for you

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:

IN MY FUCKING OPINION, is America. huehuebrbr
(Now it makes sense, everyone hates america)

alt Re: Best VPS location for CS2D servers

User Off Offline

So that's your serverlist... Well, these servers only have 6 or 12 players while the European ones, hosted on germany or france (or something close), have something like 12-18 players. Sometimes it reaches 26 or even 32. Also, Im pretty sure that most of these are homemade servers while in Europe you see pretty much 24/7 servers. And eh, there are a lot of popular communities who host on America for sure x)

Oh, man you're kinda stupid. Do you even know why you have bad ping to European servers ? BECAUSE THE FARTHER YOU ARE FROM THE SERVERS, THE WORSE YOUR PING.

alt Re: Best VPS location for CS2D servers

User Spielt CS2D

user _Yank hat geschrieben
Do you even know why you have bad ping to European servers ? BECAUSE THE FARTHER YOU ARE FROM THE SERVERS, THE WORSE YOUR PING.

Seriously? lol, you changed my life!!

80% of CS2D Br/Arg servers is 24/7(like CPLGames, GHBR, etc)

user _Yank hat geschrieben
So that's your serverlist... Well, these servers only have 6 or 12 players while the European ones, hosted on germany or france (or something close), have something like 12-18 players. Sometimes it reaches 26 or even 32.

This proves how you sucks, Metatracker is not cs2d serverlist, it show all servers, and where is the DE/FR servers in first page?... sucking...

You will still discuss?

@edit: America or Asia, it's balanced, no further... others peoples like America, and others like Asia, what is the problem?

alt Re: Best VPS location for CS2D servers

User Off Offline

@user sheeL: You can start arguing with me if you want but you will lose before it all even starts. Get some knowledge first!
Germany is the best location for any server including all gameservers like cs2d where most players comes from Europe, nobody care about the percent of 24/7 Br/Arg cs2d servers.
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