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19 comments1.66 mb, 485 Downloads

old deathrun_4ever

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Hi all,
I've been hosting a server of mine for quite some time and me and the players got a little bit bored of the same deathruns that we've been playing. So I decided to put some effort and time and make deathrun_4ever. The name comes from my previous file which was "deathrun_forever". That map was quite short,bugged and probably not as fun as this one.

I tried to make this map as fun as possible, with many original traps that I could think of. Some of the traps use Lua since delays support only time gaps of one second, which is quite inaccurate from my point of view.

Anyways.. I aimed to make the traps quite easy but balance everything with the quantity of them. I really hate maps that have traps with width of 5 tiles and are impossible to cross so mine are quite easy with an exception of 4 or 5 traps which are 3 tiles wide.

I'm not going to list the traps since it would be just a waste of time, so please satisfy yourself with the mapexport image that I'll upload. The spawnpoints have an env_hurt entity placed on them which triggers after a minute to kill all the idle people. At the end there's an arena where CTs can select which guns they want to play with, as well as some settings, then everyone can go inside it and have a fair fight :3

I'd advise to turn off auto-teambalance and have the teams with 2-3 players for terrorists and 3+ players for counter terrorists.
I wanted to include some music (not songs) files but as everyone voted here and _Y proved his point to me, I gave up that idea.

The installation is quite simple : Download > Put in CS2D Folder > Extract.

I'm sure you'll find one or two bugs (though I've already fixed a lot of them during tests) so if you find any, send me a PM.

Update : Fixed missing teleport entity as well as spinning blade image disappearance. Also I changed the tiles at the end.

I hope you'll enjoy my map. Cheers ~~
edited 4×, last 23.06.13 06:34:23 pm
Approved by Seekay

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1.66 mb, 485 Downloads


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great job
I like it!


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I like it!


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So it's a big map, with new gfx,And it's fanny

I like it!
I like it!


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i have your map i connected to your server
I like it!


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If you play a deathrun map,the design isn't so important,the gameplay is important and how well traps are made.
I like it!


Thug Life
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Eye Cancer! This map looks so ugly [when I look at screenshots, especially mapexport (my opinion)]


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I've tried this map and I think that's good. I never played deathrun map, but now I like it.
I like it!


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@user Seekay: I don't make maps with different tilesets since they just don't have all kinds of looking tiles.
The buttons are all white like in screenshot 1 and 3. They all become small grey when they are triggered (You should have seen it from 3rd screenshot)


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The tile set kinda ruins everything. I even tend to say the map is quite ugly.

You could also choose different buttons, like the ones with light which you used in the first and third screenshot. The small grey ones are almost invisible.


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@user Apfelbrot: Big thanks for #1,#2,#4 tips. For the #3, I can't really do much about it, sorry >.<
There wasn't really much of a theme here, I just tried to make as many interesting/original traps as possible. Themes kind of restrict the possibilities, but that's probably my opinion. Once again, thanks. I'll try to fix those 3 parts that you mentioned.

Edit : Hope the tiles are better now ._.
edited 1×, last 23.06.13 06:35:35 pm


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• when activated the not moving sprites of the yellow thorn-wheels-trap don't disappear, they should though.
• T-teleport after map part with the vortigaunt trap is a oneway, while all the others are not (dunno if mistake or not).
• T-teleports at the beginning and at the big river are a bit confusing, they'll lead to fail-teleportations.
• the map-part where Ts are locked in should differ from the CTs' part, at least different floor tiles would be nice.
• in general: the fewer teleports, the better.

The traps are nice but I miss a theme which makes this deathrun special. Right now the recognition value is quite low.
I like it!


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tl;dr but nice pics
I like it!


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Its F*cking AWSUM! It's a bit hard though
I like it.(Cap'n Obvious?) Keep teh good work!
I like it!


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@user Rainoth: He maybe told this bcz of the design,tiles but what is really cool is the lua,and he tried the map to see if it is bad or not? He should try it first.
-Edit- You could use fraps and make a Demo with the map and show it here.
I like it!


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@user Pseudon: I can't totally agree with you. I saw him in the clan forum I'm in and he seemed like a nice guy, It's nothing wrong to say that it's bad, I just wanna know what's wrong so I could MAYBE improve it in later versions (if there will be any)


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@user Rainoth: You see his avatar image... and the name? Believe me,he can't.
I played it and i love it,this is based more on lua scripts,you should PLAY it before RATE it.
I like it!


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Could you be a little bit more specific ?


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So Bad.
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