Knight hostagesbyengul User Offline 21.11.10 10:55:41 am I wish u guyz like it You can edit it You can use it on your server Don't say it is yours! Also check those links: Knight NPCs for Tibia RPG Knight Armors for Tibia RPG edited 1×, last 21.11.10 11:28:58 am Approved by GeoB99 (01.01.24 06:10 pm) Download 2 kb, 425 Downloads
.YeaH.FiiD User Offline 21.11.10 07:05:57 pm Looks fantastic how your Knight NPCs...some players would be really have there more place to paint more details on players... I like it!
0a User Offline 21.11.10 01:56:57 pm @byengul, no normal players like ct1, ct2 t1,t2 maybe? I like it!
made in Finland User Offline 21.11.10 11:14:31 am oh sorry byengul that was really stupid comment i didn't notice you was the author lol I like it!
byengul User Offline 21.11.10 11:12:37 am i already made armors for players Edit: no problem made in Finland
made in Finland User Offline 21.11.10 11:09:49 am cant you read byengul? he says hostage skins not armor skins -.- very nice skins maybe you could do players too like zeroarcanus said. they would be good I like it!