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32 comments22 kb, 471 Downloads

old Schattex-Some sprites

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Hi guys
first time i made some sprites and not just some weaponskins

in it:
-3x wooden ground

i made more sprites but i just upload the best ones i actually made
maybe i'll update this file when i make some more

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√ rate 5/5
Approved by Yates

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22 kb, 471 Downloads


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Night Till Death
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@user SILV3R: sorry to burst your bubble but you cant rate 1 here kiddo... You can either like it or leave it (Thanks to DC) So your pointless writting about :shit i rate 1 - is totaly useless & cannot ruin the file in anyway possible.
I like it!


Mech R

Hm... very easy. Status: bad.


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i guess if i im not suposed to rate 5 so i rate how ver i want for the billion time i dont like the shit i rate 1 .


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your not suposed to rate 5...
u just revenge rate thats all...
just stop those childish things and NOW end of the discotion


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Nice bed. Lol
And next time put more sprites if it's a sprite pack


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so im i suposed to rate 5 cuz u want me too ??
no i dont think so, i dont like it i rate 1 so deal with it.


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no its not a resize.
i've been trying a bit with light effects and shadows in GIMP
than i got the idea to make some sprites and here is the bed
the wood etc is easy i know i just wanted to upload some sprites because it may help some players


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I am 13 years old, and what is this? A resize? Looks stolen, but I'll rate a 4/5.
I like it!


Le fantome
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i see this sprites are awesome S!lver noob

cause im not in the same clan noob its good for zombie map

the bed is awesome its like a real one
I like it!


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my eyes jumped off my face.
and i'm now with heart cancer


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ähhmm.. silver... u wrote:
OH...shit i remmermber ur saying this cuz i f*k u up every time i see u in game ?

and what about u?
insult all the time?
break the rules?
flaming, spamming?
bleachedprince is not me - he is not yates too
The killer is just an registered user on our website he isnt a member / or he isnt a member yet
and yeah...
i told Crashboy to watch my files (because kids like u f*ck up other files...) and he said they are nice...

its the same like with zetsu4 and chrisstiann

vote bad with the worst reason ever...
fail fail fail fail *-*
and my favourite one
asd asd asd asd asd asd...

Edit: forgot to say... what i wrote was "What about you flamign spamming etc... i mean that was on the server i seen u so much times but then u got banned u know why... i think thats the only reason why u rate bad (revenge rating)


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@Partypooper : U R Schattex's lawyer ?? OH...shit i remmermber ur saying this cuz i f*k u up every time i see u in game ? haha...poor guy,go see anger managment it may help you to forget and controll ur rage.
i think they are bad so i rate 1, every one have his own opinion.
+ as u can see the only one who rated him good ratings are Crashboy and the killer wich they R in the same clan,
and bleached prince is may be schattex or yates cuz if u go to his profile u gonna see his rating only Schattex and Yates files and he rated them all 5 stars so...the only ppl who rated him good ratings are his freindsand.and in the other side 7 ppl sayed these sprites sucks, so Schattex admit ur fail !!


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Umm... Your grammar sucks and youre wrong. These are good. You are just mad that he banned you or something.
I like it!


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@Schattex : Schattex...Schattex...Schattex... whith his Bullshit story...dude if u dont like ppl rating ur files 1, 2 stars cuz they R bad (they suck hard) so stop uploading ur shit man, + im not the only who rated u badley so grow the fuck up and accept ur fail. about the ban, server...bla bla bla shit story i dont play CS2D enymore so "idfc" + there is alote of servers if i wanted to play

@Crashboy :
@Silver: only you're the idiot who thinks scary!

lol yeah i see who's the idiot xD, ur pathetic u can't even make a sentence


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Nice Sprites, use hit for iur ZM Server
@Silver: only you're the idiot who thinks scary!
Grow up, search friends and then u can come on our Server, without u get banned.
You're just a fail. I feel sorry for your parents

But i dont want to flame here, if u want to flame, write it me via PM. I honestly wonder you have not been banned in this Forum.

I like it!


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dude silver... just stop this childish revenge ratins... i just need to look on my other files on every of my files u rate 1 star
on other bad uploads which really suck u rate 3-5 stars
its just annoying and childish so -> grow up
just because youre banned, crying and insulting everyone on our server it doesn't mean u have to revenge rate me...
also if u dont like me its not my problem... its your problem because when u behave like a child everytime i dont think u can play a long time on a server because every adm would ban u then...


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they are just Ugly ...:/
i made more sprites but i just upload the best ones i actually made

thank god u didn't upload ur other sprites, or everyone in the Forum would be BLIND !!


Le fantome
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wow nice schattex they are looks good
I like it!


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I don't want to write a long text, but I like these sprites.
Especially the bed looks perfect if you want to create a creepy zombie map or something like that.
I like it!


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2. Zetsu4
fail fail... sure... i draw an old bed and it really looks like an old bed... and its a fail? no it isn't so first learn what it means to fail i done what i wanted to do
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