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German Gamemaker

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old Gamemaker


How do you make the game CS2d?

old Re: Gamemaker

Admin On Online

.. and (because of the topic) please notice thats Blitz 3D is NO game maker. It is a programming language with a built in engine for 2d and 3d games.

old Re: Gamemaker


I need a game maker. which one is good?

old Re: Gamemaker

User Off Offline

Game makers suck! But i would say try RPG Maker

old Re: Gamemaker

User Off Offline

hnagrmblfmm... rpg maker has two great disadvantages:
1. One cannot use it for anything but rpgs with gameboy-like gameplay. Which makes it less than a game maker and even less than a game engine. Let's call it a "game with a lot of scripts and other external files".
2. The resolution is fix. And it is... umm... is there a superlative of "tiny"?

old Re: Gamemaker


When he say yes, did i help you?

I dont think so, but ewoik have bb when i am right!

shingwin, download the demo and try if you can make a game, when you can do it, and you like it, you have to buy the full version.

old Re: Gamemaker


But CS2d game is a multiplayer game. People are accessing room over the internet. How do you do that?

old Re: Gamemaker


learn the programm language and read some tutorials, when you are interessted you can learn it do, but noone will write a game for you. and when i read your comments you want that someone write a game for you.

sorry but use rpg maker and create and funny offline rpg, its better for you.

old Re: Gamemaker


Well what i mean is that I want to make my own multiplayer game. The question is, I don't know how to. That is why I cam trying to get informetion on how to do it.

old BB3D


Blitz Basic 3d is a great bit of software for your average know nothing about DirectX, i would suggest you use that as it is very easy, there is Documentation of all the Functions with the software when you buy it, trust me it is worth it if you sit and learn the language.

Only one thing i disagree with it though it is seems abit newbie, i am not an experienced programmer but i can tell that the Commands have been dummed down from the VB Style of writing a 3D game, 10000 more code it put me off trying to use it because you need to know alot about directx and drawing methods.

I Hope this helps prove the point that BB3D is newibe simple but has enough controlability as a Programming Language that even you can get Professional looks out of it.

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