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English Zombie Plague By Blazzingxx

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old Zombie Plague By Blazzingxx

Moderator Off Offline

{No|Limit} Zombie Plague Server Script By Blazzingxx
Zombie Plague Mod Based From CS 1.6

=== Info ===
Version: 1.0 (Alpha)
Release Date: 2009/07/25

=== Script Include ===
∗Note: use zp_(maps) for sound transfering.
∗ 23 human weapon levels.
∗ Each level you need more experience.
∗ Game menus to:
==• Select weapon
==• Chose zombie class
==• Buy extra items
==• Respawn for zombie (if zombie stuck)
==•Join zombies (if empty team)
∗Serverations: F2 opens game menu.
∗ New detailed zombies knockback.
∗ Improved infections.
∗ Ammo Pack system to buy items.
∗ Improved experience, levels, classes system.
∗ Improved USGN saving system. (Saves in files).
∗ Extra xp for surviving round.
∗ Good looking hud text and their colors.
∗ 3 maps for Zombie Plauge Mod sound transfering:
==• zp_dust
==• zp_dust2
==• zp_suntec
∗ New advanced sounds:
==• Culculates 5 seconds until Nemesis comes.
==• 3 different infection sounds.
==• First infrection sound.
==• round end sound.
∗ Help files ".txt" .
And more...

=== Instalation ===
Extract mod .zip in cs2d dir

=== Download ===
Fallow this link:

PLease comment and suggest for next version
edited 1×, last 25.07.09 09:03:20 pm

old Re: Zombie Plague By Blazzingxx

BANNED Off Offline

A script for 'Zombies!' Is the best thing what could happen, but I think that script isn't the best you could do, but it's an Alphaversion.

Zombie Knockback is very good, I like it.

But there aren't weapons like 'Flamethrower' or 'RPG Launcher', that's weak.

But, it's a very good script and I'm modifing it right now so: ∗∗∗∗∗

old Re: Zombie Plague By Blazzingxx

User Off Offline

the best!but if you enemy(survior) heve m4a1 or other auto weapon you cant kill him because you go back!and you cant drop weapon!but skript is:∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗

old Re: Zombie Plague By Blazzingxx

Moderator Off Offline

GhostFreak has written
when you gonna start this server?

lol. Its working all week.
here: {No|Limit} Zombie Plague

KimKat has written
you forgot to include the font into your zip file

If you need it I can give you link for that

Btw, I forgot to add tiles.., I will ask DC if he can modifity download.

old Re: Zombie Plague By Blazzingxx

Night Till Death
User Off Offline

i found a LOT of bugs in the script!

Like when you build a turret and it shoots a zombie the zombie gets stuck in a wall! becouse of knockback!
another bug that when you build a wall the zombie kills it with just 1 hit! even when you build barbed wire or Gate Filed the zombie steps on it and gets stuck in a wall! + the infection is too fast! you spawn and then whola you get killed by a zombie! you cant even run away!

old Re: Zombie Plague By Blazzingxx

Moderator Off Offline

This script is not for construction mode.
You have 5 seconds to run. And you should run.
Atleast in my server I have ran all map and nobody havent catch me.
edited 3×, last 26.07.09 11:56:46 am

old Re: Zombie Plague By Blazzingxx

Moderator Off Offline

I said then I will able to fix that, I will fix that.
Press f2>respawn if you stuck
This button even includes in cs 1.6 mod

old Re: Zombie Plague By Blazzingxx

Moderator Off Offline

delete lasts 3 hooks or change them.
die hook , walkover hook, drop hook...
You need to change:
return (1,0)

old Re: Zombie Plague By Blazzingxx

Moderator Off Offline

Try using another language to at least parse out all of the obstacles in the map. I'll give you a hint:

[type]if type in [1, 2, 3, 4]:
     #Detection algorithm
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