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English Reset rankstats..

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moved Reset rankstats..

User Off Offline

>I am giving free ' ADMIN ' on my own server. So i gave for 1 time.

√So i gave for 1 time.
×But how can i reset ' Rankstats ' .

>Serverimde ' ADMIN 'lik verdim.Ranks 5.sine.

√1 kere verdim.2.yi vermek üzereyim.
×Ama , rank sonuçlarını nasıl sıfırlayabilirim ??

>DC ! HELP ME ; ))<

old Re: Reset rankstats..

User Off Offline

i will never be able to understand why all people who have problems always cry for DC.... hes not the onlyest registred person here...
to your problem:

delete the stats data in your CS2D folder

to the other thinngs in your post:
you gave the rcon password to someone of this forum?someone that you havent see before? someone you dont know? tell me the ip of you server. i save it into my "never visit" list realy: dont do that. gave it to someone that you know and trust. everything else is shit, crap and realy stupid

old Re: Reset rankstats..

User Off Offline

PyroCracker has written
i will never be able to understand why all people who have problems always cry for DC.... hes not the onlyest registred person here...
to your problem:
Ahahah. One day. You'll cry. Because i'll do CS2D the best game...I will be the biggest ' Server Admin ' ... ∗
edited 3×, last 15.03.11 10:07:24 pm

old Re: Reset rankstats..

Reviewer Off Offline

That was a fail quote.
Dude, learn some english, you are crying to Dc but you are not crying, lol?
And it's everyones business when you make a thread, because it is open for [b]all[/]b to see.

And double fail, he helped you but you are saying it's none of his business, you made my night. Thanks!

Edit: Lol After i posted this you edited LOL
I just love it when people do that.
You will never be the best in CS2D (If you are saying that, your english is crap)
The rest I could not understand, due to the is offline.
edited 1×, last 15.03.11 09:53:28 pm

old Re: Reset rankstats..

User Off Offline

I'll triple that fail with the turkish in his first post.

As for the RCon, do you know that pretty much anyone here can crash your entire pc if they have your RCon password? Not too smart to just give it away.

old Re: Reset rankstats..

User Off Offline

Yates has written
That was a fail quote.
Dude, learn some english, you are crying to Dc but you are not crying, lol?
And it's everyones business when you make a thread, because it is open for [b]all[/]b to see.

And double fail, he helped you but you are saying it's none of his business, you made my night. Thanks!

Hey guy !. if you have readed my comment. you see that :

I thanked him...

and you. shut up. delete your comment. i am not crying to DC. you didn't understood.

And my English. Yes , maybe it's bad. Because i am NOT ENGLISH !


old Re: Reset rankstats..

Reviewer Off Offline

Yates has written
Edit: Lol After i posted this you edited LOL
I just love it when people do that.
You will never be the best in CS2D (If you are saying that, your english is crap)
The rest I could not understand, due to the is offline.

I edited my post, because you did the same.
Please read

old Re: Reset rankstats..

User Off Offline

i just wanted to help. but we're fighting.. and you are noob.

i'm playing this game for 6 years. shut up. !

what didn't write any comment .?

old Re: Reset rankstats..

Admin On Online

read the rules HaLuK. you are impolite, call people noob and tell them to shut up. that's flame. this forum doesn't work that way. we try to not behave like idiots or 5 year old kids here.

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